chapter 18

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Mal Is now 6 months pregnant and Evie is 5

Evie woke up to her phone going off several times. "One morning of good sleep, is that too much to ask?" She mumbled to herself as she reached for her phone. "6:48? Who's texting me at 6:48?" She sighed loudly enough to wake Doug. "Hey babe what's wrong?" He asked, sitting up. "Someone texted me." She groaned. "At this hour?" He mumbled as he yawned. "It's Lonnie." Evie squinted at her bright phone. "That explains it, she gets up really early." He said as he looked over her shoulder. She looked at what she said.

Lonnie: Hey, so I know your probably not up yet but I was wondering if we could meet up for breakfast at 7:30?

Evie: Well I'm up now I should be ready by then though.

Lonnie: perfect, see you then.

Evie sighed loudly, rolled her eyes and sank back into her pillow. Doug couldn't help but laugh at her overdramatic attitude. "Doug, I'm trying to sleep." She huffed. "Okay, okay." He said. "Mood swings make you mean." He muttered under his breath. "What was that?" She asked. "Nothing, love you goodnight." He said quickly.

Evie woke up, again this time to her alarm.

"6:50 already?" She groaned quietly so she didn't wake Doug. She pulled the covers off herself and scooted out of their bed. She went to her bathroom so she could get dressed without waking him. She put on her clothes and did her makeup quickly so she could meet up with Lonnie. She walked to her and Doug's car and hopped in the driver's seat. She then took her phone from her pocket and called Lonnie. "Hey girl!" Lonnie answered, Evie put her on speaker and put her phone down so she could drive. "Hey so, where are we going?" Evie asked as she backed out of her and Doug's driveway. "Dunno, whatcha in the mood for?" Lonnie asked in a cheery tone. "How" Evie asked. "Breakfast pizza?...that could work." Lonnie said. "Yes!" Evie smiled to herself. "Pregnancy cravings?" Lonnie asked. "No fooling you." Evie replied, making Lonnie laugh. "Mood swings as well? Man your two for two!" Lonnie continued laughing.

Once they got too the pizza place.

"So why did you ask me to go to breakfast with you?" Evie broke the silence between the two. "I wanted to start on wedding plans." Lonnie smiled as Evie's eyes lit up. "EEE!" She squealed. "Easy! Calm down!" Lonnie laughed. "It's about time we start on this!" She said as she took another bite of her pizza with ketchup, making Lonnie gag. "Hey, you try having not one but two human beings growing inside you." Evie shot her a playful eyebrow raised and nudged her in the shoulder. Lonnie blushed. "I don't think me and Jay are having kids for a while." She said. "Oh we'll see about that, that's what me and Doug thought too." Evie laughed. "I'll be more careful." Lonnie stated proudly. "Oookay." Evie rolled her eyes and continued eating her pizza. "Okay so about those wedding plans." Lonnie said. "What colors are you doing?" Evie asked. "Crimson." She said. "Did you take it up with Jay?" Evie asked. "Yes we've discussed everything." Lonnie nodded. "Okay now bridesmaids and maid of honor." Evie asked as she grabbed a napkin from the table and a pen from her purse. "Okay for bridesmaids Mal, Uma, Audrey and I was hoping you?" Lonnie asked. "Yes of course!" She squealed. "Jane is my maid of honor." Lonnie told her.


"What about this one?" Evie said as she flipped through wedding dresses on her phone. "No, I don't like the sleeves on that." She sighed.  "Well I'll just write down exactly what you want and make it." She said. "What about school though? It starts soon and you and Doug already have a lot on your plate." She said. "We're fine Lonnie, I still have to make money somehow anyways." She said. "Well if your fine with it, I would love for you to make my wedding dress." Lonnie smiled. "Okay so for the color, crimson and sleeveless?" She asked. "Yes." Lonnie answered as she looked to the dress that Evie was drawing. "Perfect!" She smiled. "Obviously it's perfect it was made by me!" Evie winked.

Later that night.

Evie pulled up into her and Doug's driveway after a long day of planning Lonnie's wedding. "Hey babe." Doug said as she opened the front door. "Hey." She responded with a sigh. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing I'm just tired, me and Lonnie did a lot of wedding planning today." She explained. "Oh ok." He said as she layed down on their couch next to him. "You gonna be one of her bridesmaids?" He asked. She just nodded as she rubbed her temples. He smiled and kissed her. "How's that headache now?" He asked. "Hmm I dunno better kiss me again to make sure it's 100 percent gone." She said with a sly smile. He kissed her again. "Better?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fixing to take a shower care to join?" She smiled slyly again. "Obviously." He responded as he got up from the couch.

The next morning:

"Morning, gorgeous." Doug said as Evie opened her eyes. "Morning handsome." She said with a yawn. Evie's phone suddenly rung. "Ugh, what now?" Evie groaned as she reached for her phone. "It's an unknown number." Evie said with a confused face. "Hello?" She answered her phone. "Evie, hello my dear!" A familiar voice said into the phone. Evie felt her heart drop the moment she heard that voice as she gasped and dropped her phone. "Evie?" Doug asked in a worried tone. "It' mom." She said as she picked her phone back up. "Hello mother."

(AN): hi guys I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger, also I wanted to say a couple things, first off thanks so much for 300 views on my story! Second I just released a different story called The Past Is Best Left In The Past, it's based off of the story VK's pasts. Go check it out here's the cover for it!

Bye guys! <3

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