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Aditi's POV

Everyone was enjoying their selves, I was standing there in the corner waiting for when Ruhi will arrive. As she is the only here with whom I am comfortable to talk after Arjun and Dadu.

Aarohi and Ekansh are bubbly sweet kind of people who can make anyone theirs where as their brother literally is a very scary person, he was my ex crush.

I used to find him very hot when he used to play football but I don't know whether the same will happen now, he was actually cute.

As I lost in my thoughts someone called me.

" Aditi di" Someone screamed.

I turned to see who it was.

It was Ekansh.

He came running towards me.

"I was searching for you from so long" He said taking some air in.

" You were the one lost and why didn't you come in the morning" I said while hitting him on his arms.

" I had to with Bhai for a meeting, You Don't know how he is, He scolds me if I don't go and takes me forcefully there" He said dramaticly.

" Oh really, say that you are lazy to work and why are you  blaming your brother" I said .

"How does he even manage to make people by his side, You didn't even meet him and you are taking his side" he said.

" I am not taking his side, I am calling you lazy" I said smiling.

"Yes you are right he is literally the biggest lazy ass" Someone said from behind. It was Aarohi.

" You mini-mischief, I won't leave you crabby" He said while running towards her.

She also started running, both were running and laughing at each other.

"Pagal aurat"




I was laughing at their comments for each other.

Suddenly Aarohi while running was about to fall down I was shocked as I started moving towards them.

I saw she never fell someone already did catch her.

It was Arjun, my brother.

I felt relief seeing she was safe I immediately went near her.

" Are you ok" I asked checking her out.

"I am ok don't worry" she said as she didn't break her eye contact with Arjun.

" Arjun" I said as he looked at me.

He went from there as Ekansh came there.

" Are you ok, did you get hurt anywhere" He asked worriedly.

"I am ok Bhai" Ruhi said.

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