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Hey everyone,
Yes I am lost this days.

I am really upset over somethings , like I don't like them happening here.

I have something to discuss with you all,
From some days I am noticing somethings:-

~Only a few people are engaging on my book.
~First after i started posting reels and spoilers people used to connect here and support me but now I hardly get any engagement on my book.
~Readers don't vote, they don't comment their views for the author, they don't engage on the content.
~Its really disheartening for me because if you don't know I am student and I really sometimes don't have time to eat, but I still trying my best for the people who like my book but now I don't even get it.
~also on Instagram, i completed like 200 followers in one month and now like in 20 days I haven't even gained 15 followers it's not like I don't post anymore, I do as I get time, The engagement there is still very low.
~I am not getting what things are going wrong
~the amount of votes and comment has vanished, my readers no more vote and comment

I want you all to tell me whether I should continue this book or not, i want your response over this.

I want my readers and fellow authors, consent on this. I want you all to help me in this because you all have already helped me a lot in the past and will in future.
Thank you for understanding me.

I would like to hear your thoughts on this!

Comment and vote pls.

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