chapter three

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Nikolette's POV

I sit up in the oversized bed, and my eyes dart around the huge room. It takes me a while to remember everything that happened today. I was married to Aaron Starvroce and am now sleeping alone in one of his guests' rooms. I had a nightmare. That's all it was a nightmare. I jump when the door opens and there he stands. What does he have a gun?

"Is that a gun?" I ask

"Are you alright?" he asked

And here I thought he didn't care about me. "I just had a nightmare," I tell him

He puts the gun behind him "a fucking nightmare" he says

"Yes, it happens sometimes"

"You could wake the fucking dead the way you screamed out" he says he didn't sound too happy

"Wait are you mad"

"Sweetheart I was asleep when you decided to scream out like a banshee" he says

"It's not like I have control over it"

"Get control over it" he says snipping at me

I roll my eyes "You really are an ass hole" I say as he teuns "here I thought you where being nice"

"I could have fucking shot you" he shouts

"What's stopping you, it'll be better then being married to you for five years of my life" I yell back

He shakes his head and steps out of the room slamming the door behind him. I throw one of the extra pillows at the closed door. And trun over to go back to sleep.

"Ass hole" I mumble under my breath

"Bitch" he yells from somewhere outside the room

So mature of him, I close my eyes and try to forget the nightmare and that my husband is ass hole.

As the days go by I try to stay away from Aaron. Staying mostly in my room. One of the house maids would come up and make sure I eat and was breathing but that's about all.

I didn't want anything to do with Aaron Starvroce so I stayed away from him. Busying myself with books and crossword puzzles. It was the second week of our marriage when the knock came.

"It's open" I say thinking it's Maradith the maid that's been taking care of me

I just got out of the shower so I stood wrapped in a towel nothing else. The door opens and my eyes widen.

"Aaron" I whisper

"My father is coming to dinner tonight I expect you to be dressed and down there before he arrives" he tells me

"You can't just barge into my room and give commands" I tell him holding tight to my towel

"If I remember correctly I knocked." He says "You haven't got anything I haven't seen anyways"

I roll my eyes "leave so I can dress" I tell him

He smirks "I don't know I much enjoy your discomfort I might just sit in here and whtch" he says

"Get out of my room Aaron" I shout at him

My heart beat speed up, damn him. He laughs at me and truns "you're actually cute when you're mad" he says

I can't help the smile as he closes the door behind him. "I'm dealing with an infant" I say out loud

"I heard that" he says outside my door

"Get away from my door Aaron" I tell him

"Don't make me come back in there"

"I'm naked"

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