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"Are you laughing, Lewis?"



The bell rings; homeroom is over. Students quiet down immediately, rushing to their seats with books or bags in their hands.

A girl sits in the back, staring out the window. She looks nervous, as do the other students.

The silence is deafening. Not a breath could be heard.


On cue, the door to the classroom opens, and in walks a short man.

The classroom somehow gets even more quiet.

All that could be heard was the clacking of the man's shoes on the marble tile.

His appearance was clean. The back of his head was neatly shaven, the line up perfect and fresh. His bangs were pushed back, as usual, say for the few stray hairs that decorated his forehead. His brows were thin and had an arch to it, giving his already scowling face a meaner look. His eyes were dark, already scanning the anxious group of scholars.

Everything on him screamed rich. His shirt was white and crisp, the collar folded back and the gray tie laid in place correctly. His belt was thick and brown, the golden buckle securing his thin, black pants in place. His shoes were dark leather, the real kind. Polished, and practically gleamed under the florescent lights.

His left, or was it his right wrist doned a silver watch. It was spotless, as if he'd bought it fresh out of the jewelry store.

He carried a black coat on one arm, his right, with his usual expression, and his tongue clicked when he reached his desk, throwing the coat down on his black leather seat.

His entire presence silenced the room, and even with how short he was, it was clear that no one would even attempt to cross him.

The girl in the back lowered her head.

Her hair was curly and short, and it was barely being held back in a low ponytail. Some of her curls spilled on her forehead.

Her brows were thick and dark, and a small beauty mark peeked out from the curve of the arch. She stared at the pen between her fingers, biting the side of her tongue.

"Introduce yourselves, starting from you. Now."

Immediately, the boy closest to him answered, and then the male next to him, and so on. Some answers were stuttered, and the girl shook her head immediately, knowing he didn't like such things.

I know I'm not bouta stutter.

She watched as the first row of students finished, and then the second row, the third, the fourth, and now it was her turn.

"I- g-gah-gah-"

She shut up immediately and covered her face with one hand.

Why were they even introducing themselves? They were halfway into the second semester, there wasn't any need to do such a thing.

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