|6| Boot Camp

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"You wanted us to team up?"

"That's right! I'm sure you've been informed that you'll be split into groups of two, so if you can just..."


"In Jesus name, Amen."

She left her head bowed for a moment longer before she lifted her head, a flood of thoughts invading her mind.

I can never come back from this.

She sobbed ugly in her head, biting her lower lip as she squeezed her eyes shut.

A repeat of what happened in her professor's class flashed across her mind, constantly replaying it over and over as if it were her favorite movie.

She told him "you" and then began singing Jolt by Unlike Pluto while winking.

Who the fuck does that?

"When you know, you know—"

"Are you done praying?" Mikasa's low voice cut through her pity singing serenade.

Katherine's eyes flashed up in an instant. She didn't expect the girl to speak to her first.

She was sitting at her usual booth, with Mikasa again sitting in front of her. Armin and Eren were at the counter, ordering something light for them to eat before they all went back to class.

It was Saturday afternoon.

She didn't want to be in class on a Saturday but according to the contract, they were to meet every Saturday for the time being.

My precious time...

"Yeah," she nodded, staring at the press on nails on her finger. She didn't know whether to add why or what.

The younger lifted her lashes, staring at the quiet female in front of her.
Mikasa's eyes were just as dark as hers. It was almost terrifying.

Gosh, do I look at people like I wanna murder them...?

She pursed her lips and began twiddling her fingers. What did two introverts do to avoid awkward silence?

Sit there and act as if they were busy.

Katherine pulled her notebook out of her bag, biting the eraser part of her mechanical as a flashback of last Wednesday again.

She had bolted out of his classroom after awkwardly singing the entire song and skipped his class that Friday.

Now, it was the day after missing his class and she felt like her soul was going to exit her body.

Maybe I should write up a poem and say I was working hard for extra credit.

She started eating a bit of the eraser.

He'll see right through that lie with those dead eyes of his...

She blinked, coming back as she noticed Eren and Armin coming back with freshly baked croissants and small mugs of hot chocolate.

Armin handed Katherine a plate holding three croissants while everyone else got two.

What the hell am I, big backed?

He slid in next to her, noticing the look on her face and laughed nervously.

"We don't exactly like chocolate filled croissants. Well, Eren does but he needs to cut back on his sweets."

He paused, wetting his lips as he glanced forward at Eren rolling his eyes.

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