Into a closed mind with an open one.

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Note: Dedicated to my friend <3 (she knows who she is.)

Lydia wakes up first, she opens and closes her eyes slowly regaining consciousness to this unfamiliar setting around her. she goes to rub her eyes to wear off this drowsy feeling but is hindered to do so by the straps across her wrists and ankles. Lydia looks down at herself just to see she's strapped to a bed. She looks to her left to find a motionless Scott in the same situation. Scott slowly wakes up and has the same realization that she did a few minutes ago but instead he panics. He grunts as he tries to break free multiple times. "Okay so what do we do now...?" Scott asks in a rushed voice clearly out of breath. He takes deep breaths to regain his composure and turns his head to the right in order to face Lydia.

Lydia rolls her eyes as she stares at the ceiling. She clenched her fists as she sighs and looks back to her left to meet Scott's helpless stare. "Scott! Your a true Alpha for crying out loud! Use your strength to break free!" Lydia says sternly but once again in her usual annoyed tone.

Scott stares blankly clearly feeling stupid at the fact he forgot. He has nothing to argue back with so he just begins to mutter,"Oh uhm..." He finally sighs and closed his eyes. He uses his strength and breaks free. He goes over to Lydia and free's her as well. Starting with the ankles then the wrist straps.

Lydia gets up and rubs her wrists as she mumbles something smart under her breath. Scott takes in the scenery and before he can say it Lydia blurts it out. "We're in Eichen house." Scott nods and begins to look around the room he's standing in. It's a small room with only one door.

Scott goes to step up to the door but Lydia grabs his wrist. She's trying to keep her composure while maintaining a steady voice. She begins to speak to Scott sternly,"Are you sure this is what we should do? I mean it just feels like an invasion of his privacy." She looks up at Scott his eyes meet hers.

She keeps a hold of his wrist until he responds,"Lydia he's my best friend...your friend too. We need to save him. We need to get Stiles back." He says as he looks down at Lydia who just smiles and nods her head. She finally releases her grasp on Scott's arm. Scott takes one step after another until he finally reaches the door. His hand hovers over the doorknob as he looks back at Lydia.

His eyes show determination but he wants to verify that Lydia is also ready for what's up ahead. He takes a deep breath before saying, "We stick together, No matter what. For Stiles." Lydia nods as she repeated the last sentence quietly. Scott grabs the doorknob and turns it as he slowly opens the door allowing Lydia to go through first and for him to follow.

They're suddenly in a completely different space. They're at Lydia's party she had a while back...the one where she poisoned everyone with wolfsbane.  This is a very fond memory of Scott's. Scott looks at Lydia awkwardly but before Scott can say anything she shuts him down. "Don't say a word Scott or so help me...wait- Scott look!" Lydia grabs Scott's arm and points to...Stiles?

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