Arc 1. chapter 3. The princess's delusions

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Ayanokoji Pov:

The next battle was between the loli whose name was Sakayanagi and dragon boy, whose name was Ryueen. 

As Sakayanagi was heading towards the stadium, we bumped into each other. She fell, but I helped her get up and apologised for not watching my path.

But before she went to the stadium, I asked her a question.

"Have we met before?"

She looked me in the eye, with the same creepy smile from before.

"Who knows?"

She answered and walked to the stadium.

"...I have a bad feeling about her."

I thought out loud.

I decided to follow her and watch her battle from the hall.

Sakayanagi sent out her rockruff, facing off against Ryueen's charmander.

Sakayanagi had the type advantage, but I believe Ryueen could play around that.

"Charmander, go burn him with ember!"

The dog and the lizard had an interesting fight. Charmander started with using ember on rockruff, but it didn't do much since rockruff resisted fire type attacks.

"Rockruff, use rock throw on that pathetic excuse of a pokemon."

Rockruff then send out a strong rock throw, dealing quite a bit of damage to charmander.

"Get close to that dog!"

Next time, Ryueen commanded his charmander to get close to Rockruff, that moment, I had realised what Ryueen was planning.

"Stop him from coming close! Use rock throw!"

Sakayanagi commanded.

"Charmander, block the rocks with ember!"
The charmander breathe fire and burned the rocks to dust. This gave enough time for charmander to get close.

"Use metal claw!"

A surprise move. Metal claw was a steel type move, which means it is super effective against rockruff.

Sakayanagi clicked her tongue.

"Don't you dare let that stupid lizard come close to you! Bite his tail and then throw him away!"

"Use ember on the ground!"

The canine headed for the dragon's tail, but the smoke from the fire distracted him.

Sakayanagi was brimming with anger.

I headed towards the door and told her,

"Being angry will not help you here. You should be calm and collected or you will lose this match."

I told her.

"Don't tell me what to do."

She replied with a scorn look.

I sighed. It looked like my help won't be useful here.

"Go back to the seats, Ayanokoji."

Chabashira-sensei ordered me to go back to the seats and I listened to her.

I went to the second match winner seats and unsurprisingly, Ryueen joined me there.

"Kukukuku. You really tried to help that loli? Do you really hate me that much?"

He said with a smiling face.

"Yes." I answered.

"Ah! You wound my heart."

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