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"Please...spare our lives" A hostage in suit begged for his life.

"Just give us a chance to prove our innocence." Another partner of him begged as well.

"Haa...haaa, then you should have thought before involving with our business." A young cute faced man smirked.

"Mr Saint, please we are soon going to find out the person accountable, just give us some time. Please let us go!!" The hostage requested.

"Huh...what do you say Heng? Shall we?" Saint raised a brow.

"I think you better beg in front of the person who you messed with big time. If that person agrees then we will let you leave." Heng replied.

"Who....Mr Heng...Who's that person?" The eyes of the hostages sparkled with the hope of getting free.

"The Devil....herself" Heng growled.

"De—dee—devil....." All the four hostages began sweating profusely at the mention of the king of nightmares.

Just when they were all trying to request for mercy without having to meet the nightmare....the devil, suddenly the lights of the room turned dark and turning the white big screen in the front wall on.

"Ahh...there she is...greet the devil, you clowns." Heng snarled.

" prey, was I mentioned somewhere." The person in the screen spoke.

Her face was hidden in shadow but her deep weighted voice was intimidating enough for running chills over the already shivering bodies.

"Miss....Maam...." One of the captives began.

"Devil....its Devil..." Saint retorted.

"Devil....please we are also wronged, we never dared to hinder your business."

"Please...let us go, we are innocent."

"Huh...innocent!! Innocent people never come under my radar, clowns...." The devil scoffed at the remark.

"But...devil, our company really had no hands in this. Even our boss is trying his best to find the culprit. Please ..." Hostages begged for mercy.

"Oh...interesting. Fine...let's have the boss to negotiate with your life then." The devil gestured her men to fix the meeting with the mentioned boss.

"But...he is out of the country for an investment meeting." One of the hostages spoke.

"Shut one decides against the devil. Watch out before opening your filthy little mouth, if you consider your life precious enough." Heng warned.

Within a few seconds, the meeting was arranged and now the devil was facing the boss of the hostages virtually through each other's screen. Still, the face of the devil was hidden and it was giving additional discomfort to the boss for being unable to figure out the person he was negotiating with.

Obviously, she was nightmare of the nightmares, demon lord of the demons, darkness of the darknesses, who always a mystery to the world. No one knew who exactly this person was, how even this person looked. Those who saw her faces are barely alive, only a handful of powerful and influential people knew her in person. But for the rest, she was still like the unsolved pieces of the puzzle.

"Hello...saint or whatever, why did you guys call me so urgently.." The boss hurriedly spoke.

"Rude....huh, let see how long this attitude of yours last." Saint scoffed in his mind.

"So, Mr Boss, you were summoned regarding the little offence of yours." Heng began.

" called me for that. I had already sent my men for this. Didn't my message was already conveyed?" The boss asked.

"Yes...they did but the Devil wanted to have a small talk with you personally." Saint said this time.

"Really...for this little reason. Crap, I was amidst the meeting and about to get the biggest deal of my life sealed only if you guys waited a bit." The boss exasperated.

"Mr...looks like your deal is bigger than your employees' lives." The person from the screen spoke.

"You...?" The boss asked out of confusion.

"The are speaking to...." Heng pointed at the screen.

The hostages were still held at the gun point by the devil's men, while their boss was contacted via a laptop to face the Devil on the wall screen.

"Devil...why wouldn't I be concerned about my people? And why the hell, they are held like that?" The boss questioned.

"Maybe you haven't understood the gravity of dealing with the devil's affair to question her like that, Mr....You were called for their freedom, I hope now you get this." Saint reminded.

"No....I thought I already cleared about my innocence in this case through my people. And about the culprit, we have already sent our men to find the person asap. I apologize for everything, please just leave them." The boss reasoned.

"Aaa...ah, you think dealing with the devil is so easy. Just an apology won't resolve this issue." Heng stated.

"But...what do you need? If you want to settle this issue quickly, then I want my most trusted men free." The boss suggested.

'Good...finally, you get to the point." The devil commented.

" need something in lieu of their freedom." The boss asked.

"I thought you already knew about the significance of gains being a businessman yourself. Anyways, I want someone in barter of their lives." The devil announced.

"Who...?" The boss was perplexed at the announcement.

"I e-mailed the photo, check it yourself." The devil replied.

"Whaat? No...not this''s my da..." The boss was cut-off by the devil.

"Yes....your daughter...Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. I want her as a collateral, to ensure your innocence."

" could be anyone, but not her. I would never give away my beloved daughter like a property or possession." The boss concluded.

"I think I didn't ask about your preference. Think about the loss you have to incur before rejecting the offer." The devil countered.

"Do whatever you want, I won't get intimidated with your hollow warnings. I have big people on my side and today I just got the favour of Mr Den, you can't even touch me or my daughter." The boss screamed.

"Arrogance...huh, let's see." The devil scoffed.

"Mr Armstrong...Mr Armstrong!!" The P.A of the boss suddenly barged inside the room.

"Mr Armstrong...bad news, Mr Den suddenly withdrew his all shares and cancelled his contract of security with our company." The P.A informed worriedly.

"What? How come...why suddenly?" Mr Armstrong completely baffled with the piece of information.

"I think that answers your prior doubts. Don't force me to make you non-existent in the business world completely. Like a good businessman, just try to focus on the benefits and profits not on worthless emotions. I am just giving you 48 hours to decide before agreeing with my deal and reminder alert, the decision must be in my favour only otherwise you are smart enough to guess the consequences." The devil scoffed loudly sending shivers over their bodies.

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