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Darkness, cruel, evil, ruthless, indifferent may be every negative word in the dictionary will be insufficient to describe the great boss of the underworld. The list of crimes, the murders, the sins this mafia boss has committed in the lifetime can take up every biggest digital or physical storage but never get all included.

Every insignificant to influential notorious underworld dons were so scared that even the name of the mafia boss was enough to wet their pants. Businessmen, Politicians, top officials all were under the pocket of this person and would not operate without her nod-yes its 'she', the infamous mafia boss of Thailand, Freen Sarocha Chankimha.

Freen was well known as 'The Devil' in the underworld and this nickname was big enough to stop any bigger-to-biggest gang wars. No one dared to fight or rebel against her, and if any way her name was involved then mafias would like to be her ally than a foe. Obviously, who would like to end their life in a torturous hell.

Apart from being a dangerous mafia leader, Freen owns a manufacturing business "THE DEVIL'S CORPORATION", which basically deals with the production of modern arms and ammunition. Therefore, whenever her name is pronounced not only the national but international business giants also never try defying and meddling into her business.


"Where the hell is that motherfucker hiding?"

A hoarse yet loud sound of a tall, pretty-handsome, muscular wo-man wearing an expensive black suit, could be heard echoing against the walls of a primitive-shattered building.

Two men can be seen following the wo-man who's leading in the front while at the same time being accompanied with a group of well built, muscular men surrounding from the four sides giving them cover. Each carrying modern and latest tech intertwined guns while radiating an intimidating aura with every step taken forward, looking for that bastard who dared to interrupt her overseas trade.

"Come a good boy!" She said with a thick menacing voice clearly showing the hint of annoyance in it.

"Watch out.....!!"

Bang....Falling body of the rival side men from the left.

"Thanks Buddy..." One of the two men spoke.

"I guess, Heng now you owe me a hell lot more than your life for saving your bachelor ass several times already." Saint smirked.

"Shut up.....I owe you nothing. And who told you I'm single mate-less wolf like you." Heng retaliates.

"Stop it idiots....we have come here to fight against our enemy not among ourselves, just concentrate in finding that piece of shit." Freen snorted.

"Freen, let's go upstairs...maybe he is hiding in one of the rooms and looking at the empty guard-less passage, it's quite possible." Saint whispered pointing up.

They all agreed and marched forward taking the front stairs leading them towards the cause of their sleepless nights of monetary losses. As soon as they reached at the top, slowly and steadily moved their feet in unison taking cautious step each at a time.

Silently, they infiltrated the area with their men covering the whole space from all sides. One after the other room being thoroughly scrutinized to ensure the presence of the said person. After almost failing in all the attempts in their hunt for the discreet figure, finally their eyes fall on the last room present at the corner of the hallway.

Darkness surrounding their environment were making it difficult for them to succeed in their purpose. Luckily, they were well prepared with their special night vision glasses which were also produced by their own company to fight against such unwanted hindrances in the mission.

With careful calculation, they swiftly opened the door and positioned themselves without letting the counter side any chance to retaliate. And like that within a blink of an eye, the enemy side can be seen kneeling on the ground with their hands tied together above their head, begging for their life in front of the one and only 'The Devil'.

"Please...le-leave u—us-s alone. We are inn—innocent....."

The trembling voices of the three men kneeling in front could easily define the amount of fear filled inside them. Not just the words but their drenched body out of excessive sweating and pale faces are all the signs of how scary Freen could be. Once heard laughed off tales of this heartless wo-man, when are experienced in person, people might rather choose to die out of fear than with her hands.

"Innocent....huh!" Freen scoffed devilishly.

"Yes....spare our lives. You might have mistaken asshole, we are not at fault."

One of the three hostages spoke bravely, maybe too loud for Freen's tolerance. Looks like he has no wish to live and


"Aaahhhhhh......." The once fearless man now groaned in pain as the bullet pierced through his knees making a hole in the same region, paying the heavy price for his boldness.

After a few long minutes of silence filled with the cries of the ailing man who just being the victim of Freen's anger....


And with that the lifeless body of that same man falling on the ground soaked in all red blood. This is the style of Sarocha Devil Chankimha, this where the offender is being first allowed to enjoy the pain and agony of torture and slow death, and then when they had already accepted their fate of steady-painful end, suddenly they are sent to permanent sleep without any prior wish or warning.

"Is there someone else who wish to meet with the same fate like your accomplice." Saint commented.

"NO.....NO...!!" The other two survivors screamed in fear.

"Then blurt out everything without further wasting our precious time....bloody fools" Heng yelled.

"We don't know what you are looking for?" One tried to muster courage to clear out their captors' intention.

" it your product." Saint showed a picture of a gun model.


"Don't lie....Daniel told us you supplied this to his gang." Freen snarled.

" mean yes, we supplied them but we are not the manufacturers. We are simple arms dealer. Our job is it to lift up the latest tech made weapons from the direct producers and sell it to the ones in need in the international market."

"So basically you sell counterfeit products." Heng scoffed sarcastically with a little bit of annoyance.

", we never deal with fake products. We are just ordinary merchants who stick to business ethics."

"Ooh really...then why the fuck is it similar to my manufactured one, how come you sell the same thing when I never once collaborated with you in my lifetime." Freen yelled, anger and frustration visible in her tone.

"But how is this possible...?" The hostages gasped in disbelief.

"Tell me...where did you buy this product? Who is the owner of that company?" Freen questioned impatiently.

"Its..It's the 'Horrinders Private Limited'. An arms and ammunition manufacturing company based in America."

"Who is the CEO...!!" Freen howled.

"The CEO of that company is Mr Robert Armstrong......"

"Oh...Mr Armstrong, this time you messed with the wrong person. Get ready for the meeting." Freen scoffed devilishly.

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