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It was already past four days, when Rebecca has locked herself inside her room. Freen had insisted her several times for getting out, but her request was always denied. Only after multiple attempts of Ms Suzan, she finally let the lady enter for serving her daily meals.

Today after many days later, out of boredom, eventually she decided to step outside her room. Initially she was frightened at the thought, may be Freen might again force her regarding the wedding but then briskly relaxed herself remembering Freen's words every time on her visit while banging outside of Rebecca's locked door.

"Fine....Little Angel, if you are not ready to get married now, then I will not force it out. Only when you willingly come to me asking about our marriage, we will unite that day."

Rebecca was suspecting the intentions here upon reminiscing the devil's sudden change of heart. She was just going down through one of the stairs pair when an abrupt shriek of someone startled her. The view left her total speechless, when a lady in a bridal costume was protesting while being blind folded and carried through the other staircase on one of Freen's men's shoulder to the upstairs.

Initially, Rebecca thought about confronting, but unfamiliar faces and especially unknown mafia goons would not be a good choice to be messing with. She was still standing at the staircase, following all his actions, as he finished locking the said lady or must be a run-away bride inside a room just opposite side of her own.

Once the men of Freen left the scene after successfully committing a crime, she called the usual house help enquiring about the uncanny incident.

"Ms Suzan, what's going on here? Who is she? Why is she locked inside the room like that? Is she being kidnapped? Why?" Rebecca asked anxiously.

"My lady, it is not our business about all the happenings here. It would be better for you to not bother yourself with the mafia's affairs." Ms Suzan politely advised.

"But where is Freen? Did she do this?" Rebecca asked again.

"Maam, I can't tell you anything. But Devil boss mentioned you to inform that she will be busy out with a business for a few days." Ms Suzan reported and left.

It was already claustrophobic for Rebecca, and now when Freen is gone and left herself alone with some dangerous unknown mafia men who had also literally abducted a bride from her wedding, just thinking about such things were giving Rebecca shivers all over her body.

Fact that Freen is also a part of them, practically their leader as well but it can't also be denied that never once Freen physically hurt her, even after in her new mafia self. Such actions had always made her reconsider about Freen's intent, but today's morning scene just confused her even more about everything.

Out of curiosity, she finally decided to peek outside the locked bride's door and even somehow try to communicate with her. Slowly and secretly, she marched towards the lady's room and placed her ears on the door to hear the sounds of the other side. Upon listening closely, it was all dead silent, no sobs, no cries, no screams nothing. The ambience inside was making her apprehensive about the situation and made her think otherwise, so without delaying, she decided to scrutinize first before confirming her doubts.

" anyone there inside? Can you hear me? Hello....are you okay?" Rebecca muttered

Not long after, the lady from inside replied.

"Leave me alone....I don't want to talk to anyone. You are all evil players. Go away...." That lady screamed from inside.

Rebecca sighed in relief upon getting reassurance over the lady's safety but was also feeling empathic towards her, who's situation somehow resembles her own self. Without asking any further questions, she ultimately departed towards her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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