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Juilet Blackwell was a shadow hunter through and through, her family was one of the most important family's just like the lightwoods and the herondale's, though being part of the Blackwell family people would say it's the best but it wasn't, well ...

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Juilet Blackwell was a shadow hunter through and through, her family was one of the most important family's just like the lightwoods and the herondale's, though being part of the Blackwell family people would say it's the best but it wasn't, well not in Juliet's eyes, her father died when she was very young and so her mother was left to fend for 3 children, Juilet was the youngest of her two brothers , there mother became very protective of her three children but had soon began to distance herself and always decided to just keep her head stuck in her work, so Juilet began to drift from her mother, she loved her so much but it felt awkward every time she saw her mother or even stood next to her.

Juilet always found her way out of her family drama after she met, the lightwoods and jace wayland, the four of them together always ended with them getting into trouble or one of them getting hurt but they always stuck to friends, after a while they all began to get older, Alec especially as he was the oldest, juilet and Izzy being the same age they never grew apart, jace and juilet never grew apart, as they all got older, jace had began to get feelings for the Blackwell girl but the girl being oblivious never saw the signs

By age 15 juilet had been awarded the best trainer after she won against there top fighter, juilet realised that day that she had feelings for jace, whenever he looked at her she would blush but would always tell him to shut up when he noticed not wanting him to know her feelings towards him

By age 16 juilet had to leave her jace behind as her mother demanded her to come to alecante were she would become the next leader for her institution, her mother demanded that she stay in alecante to train

That was 2 years ago and Juliet was now returning to New York, not knowing all the things that have happened in the space of 2 years

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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