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I looked at my reflection in my mirror and took a deep breath. Today was my first ultrasound so that I could hear my baby's heart beat and see him. I was only nine weeks along, so it would be impossible to find out the sex of the baby.

My aunt and uncle allowed Wesley to take me to my appointment this time, but in a few weeks when I go to find out the sex of the baby, they wanted to be there as my legal guardians and as my family.

There was a knock on my door and my aunt poked her head in. "Wesley's downstairs," she said when she saw me.

"It's getting harder to wear my clothes," I pointed out sadly.

"We can go buy some new clothes. As you get farther along, we'll need to find maternity pants," she informed me. I groaned in horror and looked at myself again in my mirror.

"It's going to be okay, Tatum. It will be worth it when you see your son or daughter for the first time," my ajnt assured me as I sat on my bed.

"I know," I sighed as I put my hand on my belly and rubbed my thumb across the fabric of my oversized shirt.

"What do you hope you're having? A boy or a girl?" Aunt Clara asked me.

I looked at her. "Honestly? I was thinking that I want a boy first. I used to think about how, when I was married and starting a family, I wanted a son first and then have a daughter later. I never had an older brother until I met Drew. Drew became the older brother I had always wanted. So, I'm praying it's a boy. I still have a few weeks to find that out, and I'm so impatient," I explained with a smile.

"That sounds good. You seem to be getting more excited about the baby as you move along," my aunt observed with a smile.

"Yeah, I am. I told myself that in order to move on from my past, I have to move forward. When I did that, I found myself getting more and more excited as the days pass by," I admitted.

"And you have a whole new family who love you and who are just excited as you are. We're all going to help you as you transition into motherhood and go through your senior year. The baby is due in February, and you'll need to take a month away to take care of him or her, but if you stay on your studies, you'll still graduate with your class," my aunt told me.

"I know. Hannah already told me that she would be happy to collect my homework for as long as she needs to when the baby is born," I told her.

"That's good. Now, come on. We can talk more later, but you better get going if you don't want to be late for you're appointment."

We stood up together and made our way downstairs. I said bye to my aunt and uncle and then to Hannah before Wesley and I left the house together.

He opened the passenger door for me and I climbed inside with a smile on my face and then he closed the door.

Once we were out of the driveway, he took my hand in his and traced the pad of his thumb across my hand.

The ride to the doctor's office was silent. I think we were just to excited and nervous to say anything.

Once I signed in, we found seats next to each other and I looked around the room at the other pregnant mothers waiting for their appointments. They were all older than me, clearly not teenagers, and they all had wedding bands on. It made me feel small. I chewed on the inside of my cheek and stared my hand intertwined with Wesley's.

I was the only pregnant teenager in a room full of pregnant woman, all clearly farther along than myself, and it made me feel ashamed to be me. I felt ashamed to be here. I looked up and saw one woman staring at me, but she wasn't staring judgmentally. She saw me looking at her and she gave me a soft smile. I smiled back and looked away as she was called back.

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