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Well, it's Sunday and I haven't talked to Wesley yet. I was talking to Drew since Thursday morning- the morning after my aunt advised that I talk to Wesley- and he had told me that they would be getting back to the house at three in the morning, so, I decided to wait until Sunday to talk to Wesley.

Now that it's Sunday, I still haven't talked to Wesley. Drew explained to me that they were going be out of the house until the afternoon, but he and Keaton were going to drop Wesley back off at their house and go to the skate park. Apparently, Wesley didn't want to go to the skat park, so I could use that opportunity to go talk to him.

I kept myself in my bedroom all day Sunday. We didn't go to church because my aunt and uncle both got called into work last minute so Hannah and I were stuck at home.

I was pacing my bedroom, trying to think of what to tell Wesley and how to say it to him. I kept coming up blank on what to say so I decided to wing it. The fact that I had never had a boyfriend before wasn't really helping me in this situation. My lack of experience was slowing me down.

My phone beeped- making me jump in surprise- and I saw a text from Drew on the screen.

From: Drewbie
On our way home. You have 5 minutes.

I quickly checked my appearance in my mirror. I was wearing a pair of yoga pants and one of Wesley's sweatshirts. I had my hair tied up in a ponytail and decided I looked fine.

I hurried out of my bedroom and down the stairs as quickly as possible with my penguin wobble. I wobbled through the kitchen to the side door and then walked over to the boys' house.

I slipped inside through their side door, which opened into their laundry room, and I made my way to the living room.

I wasn't sure how much longer I had until Wesley showed up, so I took a seat on the couch. Unfortunately, I was antsy so I stood up and paced the living room.

As soon as I was on my feet, I heard a car door slam shut and I panicked. They were back.

I lost my confidence and wanted to run.

But I chewed on my lip and stayed put.

Wesley came around the corner before I even heard the door shut and he froze when he saw me. "Tatum?" he asked.

We just kind of stared at each other and the longer I stared at him, the more I wanted to run.

"I..." I tried to say something but I couldn't get anything out of my mouth. I gulped. "I-I can't d-do this."

It came out of my mouth before I could stop it. "Can't do wh- Tatum!" My feet had already started moving before I knew it.

"Tatum! Tatum, stop!" Wesley called at me as I heard him following me.

Even in my pregnantness, I made it all the way to the side door I had used to enter the house before Wesley caught up with me.

I had my hand on the handle and I just pulled the door open when Wesley grabbed my other hand to stop me from running away. I whipped my head around to look at him.

It felt like we were in a movie. The way he grabbed my hand and the way I whipped around. The way we were staring at each other, waiting to see who would speak up first. It felt like a sappy and over-dramatic romance movie.

Wesley decided he'd speak first. "I'm sorry, Tatum. I'm so sorry for what I did and what I said," he breathed out.

I was quiet. And I just searched his face, looking for something, even though I had no clue what I was looking for.

We just stared at each other, gazing like it was the first time we had ever seen each other.

"Please say something," he pleaded after a moment of silence.

I gulped. "I-I don't know wh-what to do here, Wesley. I've never... been in this situation before," I told told him through tears.

He released my hand and cupped my face in his hands. He used the pads of his thumbs to wipe away my tears. "Do whatever your heart is telling you, Tatum. I'll do whatever you want me to do. If you want me to never speak to you again, I will, even if it kills me. If you want me to never let you go again, I won't ever let you go again. Just listen to your heart," he spoke philosophically.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. The voice in my head said that he hurt me and that I didn't know if I could trust him again. Every single bone in my body ached for him. The feeling of his skin on mine made my knees quake. I needed him. He kept me whole. He made me smile. He made me laugh. He made me forget about my past.

I let out the breath I took in and looked up at him. "Part of me is saying that I shouldn't trust you because you couldn't trust me," I started. He chewed his lip and hung his head in shame. I put two fingers under his chin and lifted his head so he was looking at me. "But the other part missed you terribly. I still love you, Wesley. I never stopped. It broke my heart that you didn't believe me, and I should slap you to knock some sense into you, but I still love you and I can't do this without you," I continued.

"I still love you, too, Tatum. I never stopped. What I said was stupid. Believe me, I am truly sorry. I never should've said what I said. I never should've doubted your relationship with Drew or your relationship with me. Once Drew found out what I had done, he slugged me a couple of times. I just let him punch me over and over five times. He cursed me, and I just let him. Then I told him that he was right and I was stupid. I know what I did hurt you, and I felt awful. It was killing me. Please, Tatum, I want you to know that you can still trust me. I was angry that day. I felt like you were pushing me away and I let it take over me- the pain I felt. I am so sorry and I hope you'll let me make it all up to you," Wesley declared to me. 

My heart was racing as he spoke, as he declared his stupidity and his love for me. With my emotions out of whack due to my pregnancy, I started to cry and smile at the same time. Without rethinking my actions, I grabbed his face in my hands and I stood on my tip-toes to kiss him. Once I did, I didn't want to stop. 

I have missed everything about Wesley. It was killing me to not be with him and now that I was, I didn't want to leave and I didn't want him to leave again. 

"Please don't ever leave me again, Wesley," I begged him, keeping my arms tangled with him. 

He shook his head quickly and pressed his lips to mine again. "I won't. I won't ever leave you again," he promised me. "I promise."

I threw my arms around his shoulders and buried my face into the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around my waist and held me tightly. It felt nice to be in his arms again and I just didn't want to let go, but I felt a kick. That was what made me pull away from him. I put my hands on my stomach and let my thumbs rub the fabric of my shirt. 

"I felt that, too. He kicked," Wesley whispered. 

I nodded. "Yeah, he did. He's been doing that a lot lately," I informed Wesley with a small chuckle. Then, I let out a sigh and looked up at him again. "Does this mean we're back together?" I asked him. 

He put his hands on my hips and kissed my forehead. "Only if you want to," he said. 

I looked into his eyes. "What about you? Do you want to? I know I was a-" 

He stopped me from insulting myself by pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "Of course, I do. More than anything in the whole world," he whispered to me. 

I smiled and nodded. "Okay. I've really missed you, Wesley," I said. 

He wrapped me in his arms. "I've missed you, too, baby. It killed me how much I missed you," he whispered. 


Hey, guys!!! So, I know it's been such a long ass time since I've updated. I had crappy writer's block and then I moved and started college and it's just been a hectic couple of months. I am soo sorry that it took so long, but I hope you all enjoy the new chapter!!! <3 And I know it's short and I'm sorry for that, too, btw. 

-Tracy Mills

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