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The sun came through my window, brighter than usual. My eyes, still ajusting to the brightness of the sun, cracked open a little and I saw that my blinds were open and the sun was streaming into my room. I groaned and rolled over.

Until I realized that it was daylight on Saturday morning. I popped right out of bed. My druggie of a father was going to be gone all day long, at a poker game with his druggie buddies, the one's who sell him his drugs, and I won't see him all day, because Saturday's are his weekly poker games/bang some whore who's a druggie, too. Yeah, my father deserves a Father of the Year award (note my sarcsm).

The bad thing? Once upon a time, my father really did deserve the Father of the Year award. He was the best; my role model, someone I did everything with. He taught me how to surf, and now, I'm the best surfer in my Junior class.

My father used to be the best dad I've ever met.

And then my mom died when I was twelve.

My mom was driving home from work late one night. She had had to stay later to finish some grading. My mom was a high school Drama/English 4 teacher, and she had been swamped with papers, so she stayed as late as she could so she could finish up as much as she could.

But when she was stopped at a red light, a driver who wasn't paying any attention to her brake lights, rear-ended her and pushed her in the middle of a four lane intersection, where cars from her left and right were passing their green lights. She was hit from the right first and then hit from the left. She was killed instantly.

At first, my father was there for me, comforting me when I woke up screaming from nightmares of her death.

And then he started hanging out with the wrong people, gave into peer pressure and started on drugs like weed, heroine, coke, and pills. Then, under that influence, he'd come home stoned and beat me. He's beaten and kicked and abused me since then. He still does, but now he needs me with less scratches and bruises.

Let me ask you something... What does a typical sixteen year old do on their birthday? Go out with their friends? Throw a big birthday party? Get their license? Well, me? I lost my virginity to a guy in his late 20's so my dad can get his cash to pay for his drugs. My dad thought that since he lost his job due to layoff's, he'd sell his 16 year old daughter's body for money.

So, by night, I'm a pawn of human traffiking. I've been pregnant twice, but miscarried both times because my dad didn't care and wanted to continue beating me senseless.

So, there's my life story in under one minute.

I threw my legs over the side of my bed and almost screamed in pain. I almost forgot that my "client" last night loved to get rough everytime I cried out, so, my legs felt like jelly.

I limped to my small bathroom and turned on my bath, closing the drain so the tub will fill with hot water. While the tub was filling, I slipped out of my tee and my underwear. I was in too much pain last night after my "client" left to put on real pajamas.

I turned off the faucet when it was filled enough and then I lowered myself into the tub gently and painfully. I sighed in sweet relief when my entire body, up to my neck, was competely emerged in the water.

I sat in the tub, soaking in the hot water for almost an hour, until the water turned luke warm and my skin was wrinkley. Then I unplugged the drain and sat there until the water was fully drained from the tub.

I grabbed a towel and then I stood up in the empty tub to wrap the towel around myself.

I dried up and kept the towel wrapped around me as I went back to my room to get clothes for the day.

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