Chapter 1 - Not Everything Is As It Seems

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CW - // violence, murder, death //

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It was a dark and starry night. Rex Lapis had asked Xiao to met him in Jueyun Karst, which was the abode of the adepti. The scent of rain, along with the scent of grass and tea filled the air. The Geo Archon was sitting on a chair, waiting for Xiao.

"..My tea's getting cold." Morax muttered under his breath. "I wonder why Xiao's this late. Is he alright, I wonder.."

All of a sudden, he saw Xiao teleporting in front of him. "I'm here.", he said, his eyes meeting Morax's own. "Why did you want to meet me?"

"I just wanted to have a chat with you." Rex Lapis paused, and observed Xiao's state. His clothes and face were stained with blood, and from the looks of it, Xiao had sustained a few minor injuries as well, although Xiao acted as though nothing was wrong. "I see you've been protecting the nation of Liyue, as per our contract."

"Of course I have.", Xiao stated, as he wiped off some of the blood from his face. "I have been protecting Liyue for the past millenia. It is my duty to do so."

"..Still, Xiao, you shouldn't shrug off your injuries as if they're nothing." Morax took a sip of his tea. "You need to value your well-being as well. Come, sit down next to me." Morax patted the seat next to him.

"I'll survive. It's only a few minor injuries. They're not worth worrying about too much.", Xiao replied, as he sat down. 

In response, Rex Lapis sighed. He had tried to bring this up with Xiao several times in the past. He knew him well enough that he knew that Xiao wouldn't listen to him, or allow him to take care of his wounds. The most he could do was offer Xiao some advice, reassurance, and company. "..Are you sure you're alright?", Morax asked, knowing full well what Xiao's response would be.

"Yes. I'm completely alright.", Xiao replied. He crossed his arms. 

"..If you say so. Would you like a cup of tea?", Morax asked. "Surely, you must be parched by now."

"Yes. I would like a cup of tea. Thank you."

Morax poured a cup of tea for Xiao. "Recently, I heard that the Stormterror crisis in Mondstadt was resolved." He handed the cup of tea to Xiao. "Apparently, a traveller and a floating fairy came to Mondstadt, and worked with the Knights of Favonius to stop the dragon. That traveller took down the dragon together with the help of the Acting Grand Master, the owner of Dawn Winery, and a bard. Would you like me to tell you the full story?"

"Of course." Xiao took a sip from his tea, and Rex Lapis began to tell him the details of the Stormterror incident, from what he could piece together from the information he had. He spoke about the golden-haired traveller and her silver-haired companion, and how the Traveller saved Mondstadt. 

"..Being able to defeat an entire dragon.. that's not a feat no ordinary human can accomplish.", Xiao commented. "She must have been extremely powerful for her to do so. Honestly, I'm having a hard time believing this is true."

"Haha.. sometimes, reality is stranger than fiction." Rex Lapis set down his teacup onto the stone table. "In a world without Vision wielders, archons, or the ability to use any elemental power.. our world would surely look quite.. interesting. It's amazing that these things exist in this world, right?" He took another sip of his tea. "Well, Xiao, do you have anything you want to talk to me about?", Morax asked.

"..Well, I-" Before he could continue, he shut his mouth. He couldn't bother Morax about this karmic debt. After all, he was already helping him so much with it. "..I don't have anything to talk about at the moment. Today was.. uneventful."

"Really, are you sure there were no interesting occurrences today?", Morax asked. "I'd love to hear a story from you, my old friend." He refilled Xiao's cup of tea.

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