Part thirteen: Getting back together

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Tomorrow came, and Lee Hean feels like a million bucks. He woke up, feeling rested and completely rejuvenated. As he heard a knock on his door. "Master, are you awake?" as he heard his maids voice. "Yes, I am, you may come in."

As his maids came with a bath robe, and new set of silk towels. "Master, go on and take a bath, I already prepared a warm bath for you." "Thank you, old maid." As Lee Hean thanked the maid. "Of course, Young Master," as Lee Hean noticed that the old lady wheezing, and coughing a lot.

"Are you sick, old lady?" "What, no! I am not, Master, don't bother with an old maid like me." As she dodged his eye contact. "Are you sure? Cause if you are, you can take a break," "A-are you serious, Master?" as she stared at him, unable to believe what he just said.

"Yes?" as Lee Hean said to the old lady," "Thanks but, *cough! Cough! Cough!*

"Old lady, just take the damn break..." "Y-yes.. Master." As he led the old lady to the couch. "Stay here, I'll bring a cough drop with some water." As he get some water and medication. "Thank you, Master..." as she smiled. As he came to the old lady with the medication.

"Here you go, it says you have to consume the cough drop after you ate something, so eat this sandwich." "T..thank you Master, sniffles*"

"What's wrong?" "I once had a son your age, he died of leukaemia. I miss him... so much, Hic hic. As she sobbed uncontrollably.

"...It's okay," as Lee Hean gave in to the old lady into the warmest hug, patting her.. "It's okay, I'm sure he's living his best life in heaven, maybe with his grandfather and grandmother." "You're right. I... never thought of it that way, he isn't lonely as I thought he was..." as the old maid smiled brightly, which caught Lee Hean off guard., yet smiled back. "Thank you, Master," as she smiled towards Lee Hean. "Now if you don't mind, I'll be getting to work now. Thank you for the sandwich and cough drop." "You're welcome." As he felt nice inside, to make his people happy.

"Micah is ready Young Master," "Okay, I have to faster and shower." As he got up and showered. He thought of Se Muna. 'It's not always I'd find someone who is so down to earth who rejected me treating them to lunch.' As he smiled to himself. He quickly showered and waited for his maids to ready him for school. "Well, what are you waiting for? I have to faster get ready and go to school, dress me already." "Yes, right away Master."

"You're done, Master, and here is your lunch, Master." As his maids handed him a packaged lunchbox in a paper bag. "Oh, no need for that," as he said to the maid who handed him the paper bag. "Are you sure, Master?" "Yeah-" flashback: "You should be grateful of what your people cook for you, at least that what I would do," end of flashback." "...On second thought, maybe I'll take that with me." "Oh...okay, then." As the maid smiled at Lee Hean. "Thank you, Master, it's been a tiring day trying to make something you like to eat, thank you for taking what I made you to school."

"Really? You don't have to worry so much.. I ate pretty much every delicacy..."

"Still...thank you." As the maid smiled at the young eighteen year old.

"...You're welcome..." as he smiled back towards the maid. "I gotta get to school, thanks for cooking for me everyday." " Really...? You don't have to thank us, Master. It is a pleasure and you're welcome. I'll make your favorite as snack tonight." "Thanks, old lady. Is Micah ready?" "Yes he is, he's waiting for you outside." "Okay, I gotta go, thanks again, old lady."

As the old maid waved towards him.

As he went inside the car, he told his driver, "School, Micah." "Yes, Young Master." As he felt better than other mornings, he said "just a little more and you'll reach my school already?" "Yes, Young Master." "Okay then." As he smiled inwardly. 'I hope she came already.' As he thought to himself.

"Er! Young Master!" "Huh?!" caught off guard, he asked again, "What?"

"We're here, do hop off."

"Oh, okay then." As he got off the car and went inside, surrounded by crazy girl fans. As he got inside the car, he was greeted by his friends. "Yo Lee, Whassup'?" "I'm good, how are ya'll? Tests are coming up, we might need to cut it down on the clubs." "Yeah, you're right." as his homies agreed with him.

"Hey, Hun," as the group saw the young man put his bag pack down on the table. "What'sup these days?" "Nah, nothing much." As he sat down, he asked Lee Hean, "So what'sup with you?" "Huh? Oh, nothing much. It's exam season after all. I have to get all A's in my class or my mum's gonna kill me, haha can you believe my parents?"

"Pfft, gotcha isn't it guys?" as he sat down at his desk, an unexpected person approached Lee Hean; It was Shea. "Baby, can we talk?" as he looked up at her, biting her lower lip, trying not to cry. "...Sure," as they went out and go to a more private place.

"Baby why did you shout at me?" As she looked Lee Hean in the eyes. "Well... you were interrupting us, no offense-" "Can we start again together?" as she confronted him head front, making him speechless. "I..Uh.." "So, it's a yes?! Since you didn't say no?! Yess!!" as Shea tackled Lee Hean. "I'll call you later, baby," as Shea blew kisses towards the male, and left him to ponder.

'What do I do now?' as he thought to himself, not knowing that his actions were watched by Hun, observantly, as he gripped his pencils. As he walked towards his class, his mates spotted him and asked him; "Yo Lee, what'd you tell her? What did she want anyway?" "She wanted to get back together, I kinda went with the flow."

"So, you say yes?" "Yeah, I didn't say anything. She assumed we're back together." *BANG!* as Hun heavily slammed his books on his desk. "Yo, Hun, what' sup with you? Banging the desk like that." "We need to talk." As Hun dragged Lee Hean out of the classroom.

"Yo, Hun." As he grabbed Lee Hean by the scruff of his neck. "WHAT THE HELL, MAN?" "You know Shea is my sister, and you had the audacity to be a complete douche towards her in front of me, her BROTHER?" as his gripped become stronger. "Yo... Hun, I'm sorry... but Bros before Hoes man.. plus I'm not that into her, what am I supposed to do?" "Maybe say no didn't get to your mind?" sighs* as his grip become looser, and he slumped on the wall. "Look, you're one of my good friends, and I don't want to ruin what we had, so... ugh..." "What?"

As he asked his friend, "Nothing," as he got up and looked at Lee Hean and patted his shoulders. "Let's get back to class." As Hun strides past Lee Hean.

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