Part twenty: Let down (Confronting her boyfriend)

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"Sniffles* 'Why of all people.. I had to fall for the girl who's already taken... shit!' as he sat down with regret and downing his sorrows with alcohol. Until the waiter at the restaurant had to intervene.

"Sir? Is everything alright? I think that's enough alcohol for today..." "Yeah... you're right. I should leave." As he stood up swaying and left the restaurant. "Micah, it's me. Get the car ready." "Right away, Young Master."

As Micah got to Lee Hean, he asked, not knowing where Se Muna was. "Where's Miss Muna?" "She left me... for her stupid, stupid boyfriend.. as a tear has fallen on his cheeks. "Young Master..." "Let's just go home..."

At Se Muna's house;

'Muna, it's me... are you home-' beep*

'Muna, it's me again, are you home yet? Call me' beep*

Sighs* as she threw her phone on her bed, and reminisce;

"Oh, sweetheart... I don't think he's good to you..." "Of course he is, he's just busy with schoolwork. He's a senior remember?" "Oh, okay then."

Flashback over:

'Senior...' sniffles* sniffles again* 'Maybe I should see for myself, how Kim truly is... tomorrow... but I can't confront Senior for now.' As she thought to herself.

As she took a nap waiting for tomorrow.

Tomorrow came; and Se Muna was more determined to expose her boyfriend for who he is. 'What's important now is to confront Kim to see what kind of person that Senior said he really is.' As Se Muna made her way to his class when recess came.

As she walked, Lee Hean notices her and made his way towards her stealthily without her trying to notice him to see what's going on, 'Why is she on class 2's level?' as he thought to himself, while moving towards her.

"Kim!" she called out as she stood looking fearless, while all her self felt like a scared child inside. "Muna?" As the figure stood up and looked straight at her, giving her more anxiety. As he grabbed her arms and dragged her out of his class. "Let's go to another place, you're embarrassing me." "No!" As that got her boyfriend to widen his eyes. "Excuse me? No? what makes you think you can talk back to me? Let's go!" "And I said no! or I'll scream. I.Will. Try me."

As she looked determinedly towards Kim.

"Try me? Huh? You're that brave now huh?" as he swung his hands towards Se Muna, as she closed her eyes, but it never made contact. When she opened her eyes, she saw Lee Hean holding her boyfriend's arm about to slap her. "Senior...?" "Muna, are you okay?" "Mmnn." As she nodded. "Lee... Hean? Why are you here?" as Kim asked Lee Hean. "You're bullying this girl, because You Heard it Folks, She's his girlfriend!" "What?! No! No I'm not!" "Oh, Yes you are, but now, I'm your EX Girlfriend. Hear that people!"

"I'm not her boyfriend! I'm not!" as he denied with his whole heart his relationship with Se Muna. "Well then, keep your hands off of hers. Forever."

As Lee Hean put his hands on Se Muna's and left Kim's class together.

"I can't believe that'd just happened. Hahaha. I feel so refreshed!" "Well, I'm glad for you to get it all off your chest." Lee Hean said to Se Muna. "I don't think I can do it without you, Senior... so thank you." Se Muna smiled towards Lee Hean. "Yeah, pleasure to." "Hehe... Oh! Today I have the shift, so see you?"

"Yeah!" as Lee Hean tries to 'bro' shake with Se Muna. "Woah, haha what was that?" "It was a 'bro' shake? You didn't know? Hahaa." "..No?"

"Okay, whatever, hahaa. I'll see you today, okay? Hmm? What shall we eat?"

"Ooh, Ah Yang's Chicken Shop!" "Oh, no... LobsterTown it is!" "Oh Hell Naw, I'm not wearing a dress again, hahaha!" as theyplayfully shove each other, while their actions was observed by someone close.

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