Part eighteen: On a date(Part one)

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"Wow... that's a lot of dress to select from... So.. I can pick from any of these selection you say?" "Oui, Miss. Master Hean had already paid for everything, so just pick anything you like to," "Wait, what? He paid? I have to pay him back-" "Its not necessary." As Lee Hean said out, standing at the doorframe. "But Senior... I don't like owing someone a favour... especially you who REALLY like treating someone..." "Pfft. I had no other choice, Lobster Town has a dress code."

"Seriously?" Se Muna asked sour-faced. "Haha, nothing you can do about it." Lee Hean said to Se Muna. "Alright, get out already, I gotta change!" as the small girl pushed the male out of her dressing room. 'Seriously, is it even necessary for me to change? Damn dress code.' As she thinks to herself.

Fifty minutes later;

" Finally! We are ready to announce; the big reveal! Susela! Curtains!"

As they opened the curtains and revealed Se Muna.

"...Wow..." as only Lee Hean could utter the word. She wore a mauve dress that went right beneath her thighs with a two inch stiletto high heel that complements her shortness. Her hair is in an up do with a couple of diamond earing plus a matching diamond necklace. She looked stunning to say the least in Lee Hean's eyes, as the man couldn't stop staring at the maiden in front of his eyes. As he slowly stood up and started walking to her.

"Isn't she beautiful? My biggest masterpiece! I mean... she was already beautiful but with tangly hair and chewed on fingernails..." "Well, what do you think Lee Hean Senior?" "I... wow..." as the man was too stunned for words, looking at the woman in front of him. 'Is this really Muna?' as he quietly thought to himself.

"Haha..." as the young girl was embarrassed to be stared at, while looking at her feet. "Well then..ehem... shall we?" as the male regained composure and escorted the small girl. "Thanks for your help, Carlos." "Oui, senor', no worries at all. Come, let's get you two going for your date. Aha!"

"Thank you sir." "You're very much welcome, madame'. Carlos replied, as the group waved the two, as they waved them off. As they got back inside the car, Lee Hean said "Lobster Town, Micah." "Right away, Young Master." "I'm feeling kinda nervous... what if I'm underdressed?" "Don't worry, you're fine." Lee Hean smiled. "You look beautiful in that." As that got Se Muna to blush red.

"You with your compliments, Lee Hean Senior..." as she blushed red. "Pfft. what? Its just the truth." As he winked at her, while just staring into each other's eyes, for long until the silence was broken down by Micah, the driver. "We're here at Lobster Town, Young Master and Miss." "Oh," as he broke eye contact while not looking straight into Se Muna's eyes, might be feeling embarrassed for just now. "Well, let's go." as he motioned Se Muna to the car door. "Ok," as she too was not looking straight, due to the embarrassment just now.

"I'll come pick you up whenever you're done. Call me." As Micah the driver sped off, leaving the two in front of the restaurant. "Well... shall we?" as the silence was broken by Se Muna, who looked at Lee Hean. "Well," as he opened the door for Se Muna. "Ladies first." "Pfft. alright." As she entered the restaurant. When she entered, she was amazed. "Wow... they have a water fountain inside the restaurant! So fancy... Ooh! There's also a live music playing, this is way over my budget, what do you think, Senior?"

"Yeah, the live music plays every weekly, so no surprise there. Wait, where you're going?" as Se Muna went up to the stage whispering towards the musician. 'What is she doing?' as Lee Hean thought to himself. "Okay, Miss. Whenever you're ready." As the live musician finally said out towards Se Muna.

"Thanks." As she was given a mic and sitting on top of the stool. 'What is she doing?' as Lee Hean thought to himself again.

When the night, has come.

And the land is dark,

And the moon, is the only light we see

No, I won't be afraid,

Oh, I won't be afraid,

Just as long as you stand

Stand by me,

So darlin, darlin stand by me,

Oh, stand by me,

Oh, stand,

Stand by me, stand by me,

"Whoo!!!" as the audience clapped for Se Muna, as even Lee Hean began to clap for her, as she sat back down at their table. "I didn't know you can sing like that! You're amazing!" As Lee Hean compliments Se Muna. "Thanks, Senior." As she smiled brightly, making Lee Hean's heart skipped a beat. "Ahem, well.. why don't we order something now?" "Oh, yeah.. okay."

"Excuse me!" "Bonjour Senor'. What can I get you for today?" "I'll take a filet mignon and some lobster tail, lobster chips and a side a sauerkraut. And for the lady, she'll have the lobster tail, a hamburger steak and a red wine on the top shelf." "Oui, coming right up." As the waiter went away.

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