Chapter 29 - Gone

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Taehyung and Jennie were spending time with each other as much as possible. They were enjoying each other's company, even Jennie's fear was long gone now. She was feeling positive and safe around Taehyung.

Taehyung was on other side relax and happy as well. He had control himself, but his thoughts were kept back in the open area of his mind. He was trying to be more and more relax and happy with Jennie. He wants to give all the happiness to her, stay as much close to her, care for her and make her happy all the time.

Today Jennie was having an appointment with doctor, Taehyung insist her to let him come with her. They both were waiting for their call in the cabin. After few minutes a nurse came to them and ask them to visit doctor in cabin.

They entered holding each other's hand and settled themselves in front of doctor's table.

Dr: - Good evening Jennie, I hope you are doing all well? She smiled and asked her.

J:- Yeah Doctor,  I am good, He always keep his eyes on me! She said and smiled at Taehyung.

Dr:- I am impressed Mr. Kim ! She said while looking at him in amusement.

V:- You can call me Taehyung, Doctor what the appointment basically is for? Is something wrong, I hope not? He asked worriedly.

J:- Relax, calm down! She said and tapped his shoulder.

Dr:- No. not much! We just want to be sure that nothing can get bad in future with her pregnancy so for that we are taking a little test of her, just in case! She assured him.

V:- Is there any possibility of any danger in coming month? He asked doctor.

Dr:- We don't know that is why we are doing this test, but I know everything will be fine! She said and smiled.

J:- You will be taking test now? Jennie asked her.

Dr:- Yeah, come with me. It will take few minutes only! She said and left the room with Jennie.

Taehyung was worried and getting restless. He was getting really worried for Jennie. He kept watching clock after every single minute.

Doctor took a little sample of tissues from her body and inject her a pain killer. Jennie was laid on the bed in test ward.

J:- I hope if I can call you Aunt here? She asked her permission.

Dr:- You can call me aunt anytime dear. She said and place her hand on her cheek.

J:- Tell me everything, I know there is something wrong? She asked in a oh-so-sure tone.

Dr:- Look Jennie I do not want to freak you out. There is nothing much but I think during the delivery of baby ... you can get into danger because your tissues are getting weak because of your internal weakness that is why we are taking this test to proceed with you afterwards. She told her.

J;- But why? I am healthy enough. She said worriedly.

Dr:- Because your body is not capable of the pregnancy, Things like this happens to some girls. Your pregnancy weakness is the cause of your tissue problem. I promise we will take good care of you and the baby! She assured her and give her a light hug.

J:- Aunty don't tell about this to Taehyung right now. I will tell him today! She asked her with pleading look

Dr:- Okay, As you say! But do tell him. She said her.

After about 20 minutes Doctor and Jennie came back to the cabin and saw restless Taehyung in there. Doctor and Jennie both shared a smile seeing him like this.

V:- Is it done? Everything is fine? Is she okay? He asked three confusing questions in one go.

Dr:- yes, yes, yes! She said and smiled looking at Jennie.

J:- She mean yes it is done. Yes everything is fine and yes I am okay! She said and thanked doctor

V:-Thank god!

Dr: Taehyung I am writing her some medicines, make sure she takes it on time.

V:- Hmm, Yeah.

They both left the hospital and reached back to home sweet home.

Jennie was sleeping, when Taehyung received a call from Lisa who was enjoying with all other Team at hill station.

L:- Hey, buddy! How is everything there? How is my sister in law? She asked happily.

V:- Your sister in law is really fine Lisa! what about my brother in law?? where is he? He said in a little high pitch to scare Lisa.

L:- You idiot, slow down that woman in your house has great listening power! She stated and they both shared a laugh.

V:- Nah, that pretty girl is taking some beauty sleep! Lisa I want to ask you something? He said with a caring tone.

L:- Don't start it again Taehyung! She tried to ignore his coming rapid fire.

JK :- Hey Tae, whats up dude?? He snatched phone from lisa.

V:- Cut it kookie pookie, Why don't you tell her that you and lisa are together ! She has a right to know, that time it was different but now even your mom will be wanting you to tell her. Tell her! He reminded her again.

JK :- I cannot you know that! Just take care of her. Taehyung I know you do not want the baby I can see it but I am happy that you are doing this for her. You really love her thank you for that! She said and thanked him.

V:- I tried to hide that I don't want the baby. The thing is that now I don't want the baby but I will do whatever it takes for her! I don't wanna loose her! He said on his phone.

"You lost me already"

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