Chapter 3- New Beginning

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Somewhere in Seoul :-

In Asian View pub, DJ Played as if its your last and everybody is dancing as their lungs out. No body is caring with whom they are dancing and drinking. People are lost in that darkness and enjoying the moment of peace in one of the crowded place. In corner of the pub, a boy and girl kissing each other. Soon the kiss leads to their snogging session. Not caring about the world, they are engrossed in each other arms. 

Whats your name ?? the girl asked between her kiss with a boy.

Does it even matter? what matters is to show me what your tongue can do to me?? He smirked and deepened the kiss.

Are we done here?? I heard someone disturbing our snogging session.

ohhh jiminaa, sorry senorita you see my friend is here so we will continue our business later on. 

She angrily looked at jimin and placed the long peck on taehyung's lips. She goes near to his ear and said huskily, cant wait to show you what my tongue can do... see you at Room 309 at 11 pm. showing him her buts before walk out from there.

That was hot!! Whats her name dude..... jimin asked curiously.

I dont know and Who Cares about her name...I Winked at jimin.

What...You kissed her and you dont even know her name.. that's rude tae. what if you fall in love with one of your snog mate. how will you find out them. at list asked her name.

 Chill Jimin.. I will asked her name later on if this give you peace and For me love is everywhere, only if you know how to find them I winked at him. ..and how many times I have warned you to called me V when we are in public places. Don't called me taehyung.. 

Ok, C'mon now Jin, jhope,RM and suga is here so lets get wasted today......

No way, we are leaving the pub at 10. Tomorrow we are having lots of work as we are having a Japan tour and this is the first time we are collaborating with foreign dancers so we need to do a lot of practice. I confirmed with their CEO, in next week they are coming to seoul so we have to be prepared for this. I don't want them to think lowly about us. Jin hyung explained.

C'mon hyung, the whole nation knows that we are the best so whats the problem.. yes we are best but the person who is coming is best of the best. So I wanted everything to be in best condition. Jin hyung is very hype up about the new colab.

suddenly Kai, my rival approached to me with some of his friends.

Hey look, the world class sinner V is here today. Hey V, whats up?? Long time no see... 

So, Missed my ass already..... he always gets on my  nerves. we were just about to leave and he stopped me

Whats so hurry dude??..we just met and your are leaving. are you that afraid of me?

I so wanted to punch his face. we dont have time for your nonsence.  so speak fast and end this convo.

Nothing just wanted to check out your flirting skills are still on point or not....

come to the point loser.

Hey hey, don't get angry bro, just wanna make a bet with you.

Bet..what kind of bet..

I heard you are doing a colab with some foreign dancers in your Japan tour. If you make their CEO to  fall in love with you then I will never cross your path but if you lose then you have to leave bts. Howz that...

No ways, V don't listen to him. He is playing with your mind. Kai, Do us a favor and get lost. Suga hyung said. Everyone in BTS knows that Jennie is the  person Kai talking about and she is engaged with someone only V is oblivious from this fact.

Why.... Lil V is afraid of a single bet...

Never loser,  I am in and I will win this bet so better pack your bags to leave the korea. everyone try to stop me but once i put up my mind on some thing I will never back off.

Kai laughed evilly, because he knows that Jennie is already engaged with Jungkook and she will never fall in love with a boy like V.

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