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Hunter stepped on the gas pedal and speeded away, I closed my eyes and covered them with my hand while my heart was pounding fast."Scared?" Hunter asked " of course I'm scared there's a possible chance we might crash" I scolded he chuckled "I've done this a thousand times " he replied.

"You can open your eyes, you don't have to be scared" he said " No " I scolded "come on babe the view is Great" he insist, I slowly removed my hands that was covering my eyes and open my eyes.

"Wow" I mumbled my eyes wide from the mesmerizing view, the city was full colorful mesmerizing lights."Why is everyone and every cars and moving to the sides" I asked Hunter "You already forgot we were on a race?" He scoffed "oh yeah" I chuckled ,Gregory and Javier was hot on our tale,but it's not like I care ,I was looking from the side window for what felt like hour. "Want me to roll down the window?" he asked still looking at the road " yes please" I politely answered, Hunter rolled Down the window the fresh air immediately hit my face, I poked my head out of the window my eyes closed. It felt like cloud nine. Hunter Grabbed my leg with one hand the other still on the stirring wheel "whoah there are you trying to fall to your death?" Hunter chuckled.

Time skip

"You can stop poking your head now heather we're almost at the finished line" Hunter announced "ok" I replied.

We finally made it to the finish line and then came Gregory and Javier, Hunter went out and he opened my Door giving me a hand "thanks" I mumbled."another successful race" Gregory said while walking to us.

"YOU FUCKING CHEATED" Javier shouted Hunter walked up to him and punched his stomach,he pulled a gun from his pocket and pointed "I DON'T CHEAT YOU FUCKING DICK HEAD" Hunter blurted, one of Javier's guard pulled me and pointed a gun into my temple "I'LL SHOT HER NOW PUT DOWN YOUR GUN " he shouted back "like I gave a fuck if you shot her" Hunter answered laughing. My blood ran cold as I heard a gun shot.


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