Who's there

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We finally arrived to his hell house,"Open your own door you two aren't kids" Hunter said opening his own Door, Beck and I got out "go get some rest Beck and don't stay up late it's already 12:17" he said "ugh Fine" Beck replied crossing her arms and stomping to her room "your coming with me" he said firmly " NO " I replied firmly "like I give a fuck about what you say" he laughed and grabbed my wrist and forcefully pulled me up the stairs and to our room and threw me to the floor.

"Take off your dress"he whispered in my ears, "FUCK YOU IM NOT YOUR PUPPET THAT YOU CONTROL" I shouted "I'll just do it for you then" he chuckled, before he could even touch me I kicked him in his stomach "UGH FUCK" he Screamed "how does it taste when your the one getting hurt bitch" I spat.

I Screamed as Hunter pulled my hair and threw me to the wall, my head was throbbing of pain and the room was spinning. Hunter pulled my hair again "you whiny little bitch" he shouted and pulling my hair tighter I Screamed, "Oh it turns me on when you scream" he laughed "GO TO HELL YOU FUCKING BITCH" I shouted back and try to kick his stomach again but miss."THAT'S IT, YOU ALWAYS FUCKING TALK BACK AT ME AND NEVER DO WHAT I SAY" he shouted "you still don't seem to understand who I fucking am" he said laughing maniacly.

" Of course I know who you are. YOUR A FUCKING FUCK HEAD WHO ESCAPED FROM A MENTAL HOSPITAL " I shouted.

"You never learn" he spat and and slammed my head on the wall 3 times my head was throbbing, there was so much blood coming out of my head, "perhaps I should just cut your tongue" Hunter laughed taking a pocket knife from his pocket, i kicked the knife out of instinct, Hunter me pulled me by the hair to the hallway while I kicked and scream " HELP" I Screamed " BECK HELP ME " I Screamed louder and Hunter threw me in a small Dark room with one bed and he locked me in. I banged on the door and scream for help but no one will hear me.

"I guess I should just get some rest I'm so tired of getting pulled by the hair and getting thrown around" I said to my self and went to sleep.


I heard the floor creaking and It suddenly felt like I was sinking, or falling into nothingness. it felt like I was pushed in a pool of water. I was sweating and I could hear a loud and heavy breathing.

( ... POV )

I watch her as she slept peacefully. Still looking so lovely with blood still dripping from his beautiful face.the way she peacefully slept in this Dark Locked up room. I smiled looking at her, slowly approaching her as the old floor creaked underneath me, I sat down at the end of the bed. Words can't explain how I love her, but I couldn't get caught, no not yet.

"you're so Gorgeous" I whispered, gently twirling a piece of her golden blonde hair,

The moment I saw her I knew it was love, I wanted to touch her, I wanted her . And I still do,I want her to be all mine. But no body couldn't know this, no one. I had to keep this to my self, or my life will be done for, she made me want to kill everyone for her, so she could just be mine and all mine. I don't even know a thing about her and I'm already crazy in love.

The last thing I wanted to do is get caught, but I don't want to leave her either. I sight and stood up , I watch as her nose twitch, I was heading for the door as I watch her.

"I love you" I said, hopping she would hear, I shut the door and locked it.


(Heathers POV)

I heard the door shut and the click of the lock. I Opened my eyes,and squinted to adjust to Darkness.

"Who's there"but there was just pin drop silent.

I sat up to check if my clothes are still on, because Hunter was just trying to fuck me I don't know how many hours ago,"thanks goodness I wasn't rape in my sleep by a maniac" I sigh in relief.

"Hmm... Still looks like its night time, I should just sleep" I said to my self


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