Chapter 30. The evening of day 1.

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(N/n = Nick name

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(N/n = Nick name. Also this is a sad one guys🙁)

You were introduced to Kota, you'd unpacked your bags in your bunkers and went for lunch. The food was amazing.

It was obvious kota didn't like you. You could understand being an angry kid, he was pretty much in the same situation you were. Dead parents and living with your aunt. You wanted to speak to him but figured it was too early.

Later in the evening the girls and boys were separated in the hot springs, the girls together and the boys together. It was so nice in there. However you all heard something on the other side of the wall? Someone was climbing, mineta.

Kota had managed to get up to the top though and push mineta down,

"Before you become a hero, you should learn how to become a good human." He stubbornly said. Slapping him down.

"THANKS SO MUCH KOTA BABE!" Mina shouted up,

"THANK YOU KOTA!" You smiled up at him, you were sat on the rock with Mina (ofc)

"Mineta really is the worst isn't he!" Tsu spoke.

However you guys must have forgotten he could see you naked. He then fell down off the wall from embarrassment.

Once you were dressed into a new pair of pyjamas you made your way into the infirmary where kota was still asleep.

Pixie bob was watching over him and smiled at you as you walked in,

"Hey n/n, what brings you here?" She asked,

"I don't know, I just wanted to thank him I guess, I feel bad" you said, quietly.

"I know you don't feel bad just because he fell n/n, you feel bad because you see yourself in him. And he could really use a person to relate to around here so he doesn't feel so alone." She looked to you

"He doesn't like anyone in UA though, he for sure won't like me?" You replied looking at her laughing a little.

"But you know what it's like not having anyone that understands you, and you know how hard that was, how hard it is, he's about the same age you were back then, just please try and reach out to him, if anyone can it's you, he barely talks to us as it is." She said, before walking out and placing her paw on your shoulder, you nodded and sat down. Noticing he had opened his eyes.

"What did she mean, you were.. like me. Your not, you wouldn't understand because your just some stupid wanna be hero." He said, laying on his side.

"Because I am, I might just be some stupid wanna be, but I'm doing it to help the people like us, the ones who need someone, even if they don't admit it. I watched my father die to a villain when I was your age, and I didn't know my mom, I've lived with my aunt ever since, sound familiar at all?" You told him, and watched as he turned around.

"But why do you want to be a hero, they're useless, you'll probably just end up dead." He said averting his eyes.

"Because if I die I'll do it knowing I tried to make a difference, and I helped people, the same way my father did, the same way mine and your aunt do." He looked to you silently.

"Look kid, I get your angry, but don't let it make you bitter." You said, and he started to cry, to sob.

"C'mere kid." You hugged him while he cried,

"Why did it have to be them?" He muttered out as he cried on your shoulder, you knew that question all too well, it hurt seeing this happen to someone else.

Pixie bob must have been listening from outside of the door because she just burst in "I CANT STAND BY ANYMORE" she whined and joined the hug, a single tear running down her face.

Kota didn't hate you, not as much as he hated the others, because it was nice to have somebody who understands.

You could almost be like an older sister.

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