Chapter 3

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Later in the night, the two climbed on top of the roof to watch the stars.
"Why did you fall in love with me?"
Winnie looks at Augustine.
"I don't know if I can answer that. My heart just chose what it wants. You've been my one true friend all my life. I trust you with anything. I would give you my heart and body too."
"Hold up let's not go that far. A kiss is enough." Augustine is red faced "I'm not like that in your dreams."
"I-I know you aren't. However, y-you got muscles like in my dreams."
"Well... I thought I'd workout for a bit. It's not to impress a lady or anything."
Winnie touches Augustine's muscled arm. A blush creeps on his face.
"What are you doing?"
"Sorry!" he moves his hand away
"Want me to flex for you?"
"Auggie!!" Augustine laughs
"You're all red now."
"It's your fault!"
Augustine flexes his muscles. Winnie can't help but stare.
"Are you gonna be buff?"
"Nah, this is enough. I cheat with junk food once a week."
"That's unhealthy"
"I know but it's delicious."
"What about salads?"
"I make them myself."
"Can I come see you working out?"
"Eager to see me sweat?" he smirks
"N-No no! I'm just curious about your routine!" he bites his bottom lip "Him at the gym... I'm so curious to see."
"You good?"
"Y-Y-Yeah yeah! I'm in the mood for a midnight snack."
"I got some popcorn to microwave."
"Salt or butter?"
"Both. Your choice."
"Butter it is"

In the next afternoon, the boys arrive at the gym. Augustine's trainer is not in the room.
"Hello Augustine, boss is not in today. You and your friend can use the gym as you like."
Winnie is dressed in blue gym clothes.
"You can go there to do some jogging."
"Can I lift weights?"
"The small ones. I don't touch the big ones or I'd break my back."
Winnie goes to the treadmill, setting it at a small speed. Augustine goes at the bar to lift himself. Winnie is staring as his best friend is growing muscles.
"He looks so hot... gosh my heart can't handle this..." he bites his lip again
Augustine goes to lift weights after he lifted himself 100 times. His arms are getting nicely worked out.
"Stop staring stop staring stop staring! Don't be a creep!"
"Take a picture it lasts longer Winnie." he winks, making the blond blush
"I wasn't looking!"
"Sure you weren't"
Augustine then works on his legs at a weight machine for legs. Winnie gets to running at a higher speed.
"Hey Winnie, don't run too fast or you could fall."
"I got this don't worry."
"Suit yourself"
Winnie takes a break from treadmill. Augustine has moved to the punching bags. Punching, punching, punching, exercising in case he has to fight.
"You think I could fight someone?"
"You? In video games maybe. You are way too nice to punch someone."
"I can throw punches!"
"Sure you can" he chuckles
"See, you even pout like a kid which is cute." he goes to the taller boy "I like my cute boyfriend."
"I mean, we like each other and kissed each other. I'd say we made it official, don't you think?"
Winnie feels warm in his chest.
"I-I guess" a smile breaks on his face
"Alright, let's train some more."

They go to the restaurant nearby for a salad after workout.
"These look so good!"
"They make the best salads."
They don't notice their former school classmates coming in. They are from the same high school.
"Hey hey hey what do we have here?" Augustine rolls his eyes internally
"The duo is back and hanging out like two peas in a pot." the guys laugh
"Are you two on a date or something?" they laugh again
"And what if we are?" Augustine gets up "Got a problem with that?"
"Oh crap you're serious?"
"Maybe I am" he puts his hands on his head to show his arms "Wanna fight?"
They run laughing, Augustine chased them until out the door, then he goes back to Winnie.
"Jokesters, very funny."
Winnie got anxious
"You good?"
"What if they spread a rumor?"
"And? They can talk all they want." he eats his salad
"He is so cool. I want to be like him."
"Are you going back to your house?"
"Um, I was thinking to stay with you."
"With me at my house? I mean, I have no problem but you have to talk to my parents for permission."
"I will! Thank you Auggie!" that smile again, Augustine smiles too
"Auggie, my school thinks of throwing a Halloween party since last year they couldn’t throw one due short budget."
"Oh really? That's cool."
"We could invite anyone. Do you want to come?"
"I want to but I don't know if I can. If I'm lucky and classes get cancelled, I will drive there and attend."
"Then cross my fingers for you to get a day off." Augustine chuckles
"What costume are you gonna wear?"
"Last year I was a ghost at my friend's party. What if we dress as a couple?"
"What are you thinking?"
"Angel and demon"
"I wonder which is which." he smirks, making Winnie giggle
They finish their food and leave. They have a slow walk, holding hands.
"We're really holding hands!"
"Are you tired?"
"A bit. It was a great workout."
"You might get a muscle fever. I know how it is."
"It was worth it right?"
"Definitely" he flexes again
"Are you gonna be my knight?"
"Why of course your highness~" they laugh at their invented joke

They took a shower each and crashed on Augustine's bed.
"I got an idea. Let's go to the beach!"
"I already planned that for next week. You will tag along."
"Oh yay! This is gonna be fun!"
"What are you plans?"
"Volleyball, eating good food, visiting new places, buying souvenirs, going to the amusement park."
"What about surfing?"
"I don't know how to surf."
"Me neither but we could watch other people surf."
Nothing changes in their relationship. They still get along well, they just got on a deeper level.
Winnie blushes "Can we... kiss?"
Augustine smiles "No need to ask."
Their faces inch closer to each other, a sweet kiss is shared. Winnie gets shy.
"Want another?"
"Mhm" they kiss again and again
Augustine starts kissing Winnie's neck making him giggle
"That tickles~!"
"That's good" he kisses his nose
*Knock knock*
"Oh boys~! I got you a fruit bowl!"
"Thanks mom"
"What were you doing?"
"Just talking"
"Just talking?"
"Mom, seriously, don't jump to weird conclusions."
"I'm not allowed to wonder about my son's love life?" Augustine pushes her out of his room "Thanks for the fruits. We will be down for dinner." he shuts the door "God dammit"
"We might get caught."
"Taking risks can be fun."
"Can you feed me?"
"You want me to feed you?"
"Feeding each other is a thing couples do these days."
"Okay then"
They enjoy the bowl of fruit cubes as they watch videos on Winnie's phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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