Chapter 31. Training camp day 2.

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The next day you were up bright and early

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The next day you were up bright and early. Literally.

You had a lot of energy though, you had waited too long for this to miss out on anything. You woke up the other girls in your bunker who just groaned and asked how you were even up so early, you just shrugged and got changed into your sports kit.

Once the whole class was up and ready you'd made it outside to aizawa.

"Good morning class, today we begin a training camp that will increase your strength. Our goal is to increase your skills exponentially so that each of you earns a provisional licence, this will allow you to face the dangers that continue to fester in the darkness. Perceive carefully. Look alive bakugo. This'll be so hard you'll feel like your dying.. let's hope you survive!" He grinned devilishly.

You were all in an area outside training, bakugo basting giant explosions, iida running endless laps, Shoto training his fire and ice, sero producing masses of tape, kirishima combat training with ojiro, Kaminari shooting electricity without frying his brain, koda trying to reach a wider range of animals, aoyama building up his strength when it comes to his laser - reducing his stomach aches, tokoyami building up dark shadow in the dark and light, ochaco trying to reduce nausea when using her quirk, Tsuyu extending her tounge and building her muscle, sato lifting weights while eating, momo also eating to speed up her creation quirk and produce quicker, Jirou amplifying the quality of the audio in her earphone jacks, Mina constantly creating acid to increase her ability to use it, mineta, increasing his scalp strength for when popping off balls, Toru and shoji working together, shoji creating duplicate ears and eyes to try and hint Toru who's working on her stealth, and you.

You had multiple things to do with your quirk, you were mass producing webs, climbing tall rocks past tsu, web slinging at a faster pace and trying new styles of slinging, using your electricity/venom strikes on rocks/trees and other objects, weight lifting with your webs, controlling your invisibility and pretty much increasing your ability to the max.

After a while you and izuku started combat training with eachother to try and build physical strength. It was pretty intense.

Class B had joined not to long after, but it wasn't just them, you noticed kota watching you and izuku fighting behind a tree, you smiled and waved, he only gave you a soft look and hid back behind the tree, the time you were distracted izuku went to throw a punch and you could tell this by your spidey senses so before his fist could hit your face you grabbed his hand and pulled it over your shoulder as you squatted down, you were trying not to use your quirk as much as possible to build your muscle.

After a long while of training everyone was exhausted, and hungry.

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