Chapter 5

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The man's laughter rang out with derision. "Oh, how quaint. Your futile attempt at defiance amuses me, my dear. But let's be clear, you are not the master of your own fate, but rather I am. Your life rests solely in my hands. I am the one who determines what is best for you, my delicate little dove. And mark my words, no matter how much you kick and scream, the alpha Kim shall claim you as his mate, even if it means forcing you. So abandon your illusions and acquiesce to the age-old pre-mating traditions."

This time, it was the omega's turn to release a chilling laugh, as he breathed with rage and locked eyes with his father. With fierce determination, he declared, "No alpha would wanna mate an omega who carrying someone else's pup within him"

At that moment, a deafening silence descended upon the pack, broken only by the thumping heartbeat of the alpha rogue who was restrained by his captors. Tears streamed down his face as his woody scent permeated the air with a mixture of joy and sorrow.

His omega was carrying their child

They gazed into each other's eyes, sharing a deep sense of love and contentment through their bond. Their eyes were filled with a glistening mist of tears, shimmering under the moon's glow. The alpha gently stroked the omega's soft fur through their bond, eliciting a soft purr of pleasure from the smaller through their mingling scents filling the air, a comforting reminder of their unbreakable bond.

The tranquility that the alpha and omega had been enjoying was abruptly shattered by a guttural growl that emanated from the head alpha. A fiery fury had ignited in his eyes, causing them to turn a dangerous shade of red. He balled his fists tightly, and with an ominous intent, unsheathed a sharp Bowie knife from his waist belt. The Pack quickly got alarmed at that. Sensing the danger that approached, the young alpha could almost taste the palpable rage the head alpha exuded with every step he took toward him.

The enraged man let out a vehement scream as he held the sharp edge of the knife dangerously close to Jungkook's neck. His breathing was labored as he was consumed by an insatiable desire to eradicate every living entity in his vicinity, all because of the rogue that stood before him.


Jungkook, on the other hand, was unfazed by the perilous situation he was in. Instead, a smug and self-satisfied smirk graced his countenance, as he chuckled deeply in response to the furious alpha. He paused momentarily, glancing meaningfully at Jimin before pivoting to face the head alpha again. "I am indifferent to the prospect of death," he declared boldly, "so long as I am cognizant that my omega carries the fruit of our love," he intoned with a daring look in his eye.

The elderly man's hand clutched Jungkook's collar with an iron grip, his scent is redolent of fury and bitterness, making the pack members gasp for breath. In a trice, his piercing gaze flickered to his son and the barely discernible swell of his baby bump. Abruptly, a notion flashed in his mind before seizing a fistful of Jungkook's hair, his face contorted into a malevolent grin. "Not when I'm about to put an end to your progeny from mine," he crowed, cackling maniacally.

The alpha rogue's breath caught in his throat, his demeanor changed from sneer to shock, his eyes instantly flashing with fear, and a sudden wail from his omega pierced his heart.


In a moment of intense confrontation, Jimin sobbed out in horror and despair. Clutching his belly with trembling hands, he cast a desperate gaze toward the elder man and his alpha, his heart racing with fear and anguish. "Please, no," he begged, his voice choked with emotion. "No no"

"Mother, get the potion!"

The head alpha addressed his aged matriarch, the pack's esteemed healer, who nodded in acquiescence before departing to her sanctuary to prepare the abortifacient potion.

"NO! You wouldn't dare! You... you shan't! I shall not permit this, no!" Jungkook writhed frantically in the grasp of his captors, but the more he struggled, the more he sensed the overwhelming scent of wolves yanking him back from pouncing on the maniacal man and rescuing his beloved omega. Burning, choleric tears coursed down his countenance, yet his nerves constricted in anticipation of the imminent confrontation, vowing not to let anything harm his sole family.

Without warning, a group of omegas suddenly yanked Jimin away, circling him and blocking him from the view of any onlookers. Jimin struggled and screamed for them to stop, but he was overwhelmed by their numbers and unable to move his legs. The omegas proceeded to forcibly strip him of his clothing, tearing his hanbok blouse, pants, and undergarments until he was completely naked. In an angry chant, they accused him of being "tainted" and reasoned that they needed to rid him of any impure possessions. Jimin continued to scream in protest as they pulled him up and drenched him with a large pot of clean cold water, "alpha!" he called out, hollering, still covering his belly protectively by his arms.

Jungkook, watching the scene unfold, struggled to break free from his captors as he wept and let out a piercing, sorrowful howl as a response. "M- my baby!"

In a sudden and unexpected turn of events, the healer emerged from the shadows, bearing a small clay pot brimming with a potent potion in her hands. The surrounding pack omegas, acting on some unknown command, began to apply forceful pressure to Jimin's spine and belly button. Despite his valiant cries of protest, they refused to relinquish their hold on him, forcibly prying his hands away from his vulnerable body. The rogue alpha gasped, struggling to come to terms with the painful scene happening before him. He watched the omegas continue their brutal assault on his beloved omega, heedless of his screams of agony. His heart ached as he winced, hearing the heart-rending cries of his beloved omega, caused by the others' cruel attempts to expel their precious pup through forceful pushes upon his tender belly.


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