Chapter 6

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The omegas quickly cloaked Jimin in fresh, unscented linen as the head healer approached, determined to administer a potion meant to induce abortion. Despite her best efforts to open his mouth and pour the bitter liquid down his throat, Jimin resisted, his throat emitting anguished whimpers. Sensing the omega's obstinacy, the old woman increased the pressure on his delicate jaw, causing him even greater discomfort.

"Dearest omega," she cajoled, "open thy mouth and imbibe this potion, or else you will face a fate that is even worse than death. Surely you do not desire such a fate, do you?"

But Jimin remained firm in his resolve, his inner omega writhing at the acrid smell of the prophylactic and his taste buds revolted by its unpleasant flavor. Summoning his strength, he expelled the vile liquid from his mouth in a violent spew, his tongue sour and his heart filled with defiance.

The deathly glare emanating from the head alpha, Park, caused a shiver to run down the spines of the pack members. A hush descended upon the gathering, interrupted only by the sound of the spilled potion as it seeped into the ground, wasted and unappreciated. Inside the circle of omegas, Jimin's fragile form trembled with fear, his eyes frantically searching for his alpha. The rogue alpha's fists were balled up at his sides, his tear-filled ruby eyes locking onto his beloved omega.

As the tense silence hung heavy in the air, the sound of a deep, throaty laughter suddenly broke through. The alpha strolled towards his trembling son, who clutched at the cloth that sheltered him from the world's cruelty. With an unpleasant smirk on his lips, he lifted the omega's chin, gazing straight into his oceanic eyes. "So my dear heart refuses this remedy? Very well, then. I shall grant you a choice, my beloved." He spoke with a nonchalant shrug of his broad shoulders.

In an instant, Jimin's eyes widened with hope, his inner omega perking up with curiosity as he looked at his father with a glimmer of expectation. However, the words that followed shattered his hope like glass, leaving him submerged in an ocean of desolation.

"You must either terminate the life growing within you and save the alpha you love, or let go of this rogue and keep your pup. What do you say?"

Why must fate be so cruel? Why must the moon goddess punish him so? Jimin had always lived his life in accordance with the values of kindness, compassion, and empathy. His heart was pure, and his intentions were always good. He had never deliberately caused harm to anyone. He believed in helping others and understanding them.

Yet, now he found himself in an unfair situation, forced to make an impossible choice. His inner turmoil surged like a stormy sea, and he couldn't help but wonder why. Hadn't he promised his omega appa as per he asked that he would uphold the virtues of righteousness and love before he left the world? Why then must he suffer such a cruel fate?

Jimin's delicate hands tenderly traversed the expanse of his exposed abdomen, tracing the precious contours and feeling the gentle rhythm of his unborn pup's heartbeat. A predicament of life and death had presented itself before him, demanding the ultimate sacrifice of one beloved being. If only he had the power to trade his own existence to safeguard the other two, he would have done so without hesitation. But alas, fate had rendered him powerless, leaving him with no option but to make a heart-rending choice.

However, his mind was already made up, for how could he bear to abandon his cherished alpha for an unformed life yet to be born? He could never bring himself to do that, nor could he ever forgive himself for depriving his own soul of the chance to flourish and thrive. The love he held for Jungkook was paramount, and so he had already made his choice. With a heavy heart, he resolved to consume the potion and save his beloved alpha.

A torrent of tears cascaded down his cheeks, glistening like dewdrops under the moonlight, as though apologizing for the unbearable pain he was about to inflict upon his own flesh and blood. "Dearest little one, though I have not yet had the privilege of embracing you in my embrace, you have already conquered my heart since the moment I learned of your existence, from the instant I realized that I have become an omega father." Despite his tears, a fragile smile adorned his lips, while he gazed tenderly at his alpha, still caressing his belly. "Your father, my beloved, adores you too, our precious seed. We cherish you with every fiber of our being, and I beg your forgiveness for what we must do." As he wept, the rest of the pack members bore witness to a heart-wrenching scene, wrought with sorrow and compassion.

Jungkook's expression twisted in disbelief and anguish as he growled at his omega, desperate to dissuade him from making a grave mistake. "NO, NO- you shouldn't, no don't do that. Don't drink it, don't your dare hurt our puppy, Jimin - I can do this. I can disappear from your life in order to save you two. But Jimin, don't do this, p-please, baby-" Despite the captors' iron grip on his body, Jungkook continued to fight tooth and nail, his impassioned gaze begging Jimin to reconsider. He refused to relent, even when the ruthless head alpha pressed a cold steel blade against his neck, ready to end his life. "I accept my fate, so long as I can depart this world knowing that you and our baby will be unharmed and together. Please, my love, do not do this. Spare our little one from harm's way."

Despite being a gentle, benevolent, and yielding omega, Jimin's resolve to protect those he cherishes is unyielding. His steadfastness is as unwavering as the North Star, and when it comes to the one who holds the key to his heart, he is indomitable.

Jimin shook his head with a sense of determination, a resilient omega who refused to let his beloved succumb to the cruel fate that awaited him. Despite his helplessness, he let out a plaintive whine as he seized a small vial of potion from the healer's grasp. The rogue alpha who loomed before him growled with impotent rage as his world faded to black.

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