Catastrophic Love Life

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"What will be all, see ya!" Heidi turns off the livestream, she sighs in relief. She turns her her best friend, who was curled up in a ball on a chair.

"Alright, what is going on? You have been hanging here the last few days, what makes you stop eating in the cafeteria?" Heidi asks, slightly spinning around in her swifle chair. "Are you avoiding someone?"

(Y/n) raises her head, putting it on her knees. "I've been avoiding Randy" her (e/c) eyes were darted at the floor.

"Randy" Heidi pauses "That was not the name I expected. Did he do anything to you?" She asks concerned.

"No, well yes, well um. I was kinda go through something and we...kissed" (Y/n) explains, looking ashamed.

Heidi's eyes widen in surprise and shock, her mouth falls open.


┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓
┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛


Howard exclaims, looking at his best friend with eyes as wide as plates. Randy had just told him all about what happened a few days ago, from the battle to the kiss.

"It was dumb, I know" Randy lowers his head in defeat "It was the only thing I could think"

"Tying her up, knocking her out, slicing the yo-yo with your sword didn't cross your mind?" Howard questions, raising one of his eyebrows.

"No, not at all. I maybe wanted to kiss her, but that is not the point" Randy argues, shaking his head.

The two could hear students screaming outside. They lean over to look out a nearby window, spotting an excavator like robot. "Oh look, an excuse to avoid my feelings"

Before Howard could say anything, Randy was already dissapeared. The ginger looks out the window again, seeing the Ninja run at the robot.

It wasn't long before Ladybug showed up herself. She backflips to dodge its shovel hands, she throws her yo-yo at it to push it away.

"Hey, Ladybug. Can we maybe talk after this?" Ninja questions, his eyes were focused on his partner. He slices the robot's leg with his with his Katana, making the robot wobble back.

"Um, sorry, I'm busy"


Cracks appears on the towering robot, it falls apart and turns into black spots. Behind it was a boy about their age, blowing the dust off his fingertips.

He had a dark navy blue jacket on, with the big hood over his head. Attached to it were large flaps of fabric that represented ears. He has glowing green eyes beneath his mask and a locks of blond hair spilling out beneath his hood. On his chest was a golden bell was hanging and finally a belt with a part hanging behind his leg as a tail.

"Hope I didn't show up too late" His eyes darth to the heroine in red, standing infront him, unsure of the situation.

He approaches the girl. He bows down, grabbing  her hand, planting a kiss on it "You must the infamous Ladybug, I've been waiting to meet you"

Ladybug's face turns red, matching her suit. She turns her head away "oh, that's nice to to hear" Flashbacks of previous cat miraculous holders enter her mind.

Meanwhile, the Ninja was eyeing the contact between the two. He could feel jealousy pour into his veins, her clears his throat to catch the Stranger 's attention "And who are supposed to be?"

The cat like hero stands up and faces him "Street cat, nice to meet ya" He holds out his hand for a handshake. "And you are?"

"The Ninja, kinda the protector of Norrisvile for about 800 years" The Ninja scoffs. "Me and Ladybug are already saving this place, so you aren't needed"

9th grade Ladybug || RC9GN x reader ||Where stories live. Discover now