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They were inside the bathroom

"No wait !"

K had no time to reject and he was already made to sit on the edge of the bathtub even tho it was empty

"Today will be a long day and I want you to be comfortable
That's why lets wash you up first" Fuma explained as he started undressing him from top to bottom
K just sat there too embarrassed to say anything
He smells bad so he doesn't have the right to say no for a shower does he ?

He obediently sat still and watched the younger go look for towels and came back

Obviously he wasn't going to run water over him, since they needed to keep the cast on k's leg from getting wet

But the thought of him rubbing and cleaning any part of K's body made him shiver

At the first contact of the younger's fingers over his flesh K showed signs of discomfort he ran from his touches by moving away

Fuma pulled him back and leaned near the older's ear "
Why are you so stiff ? It's not like the first time I am touching you hmm ?

I've already done more than touching
Just relax in my arms like you used to do "he said and K blushed so hard
Because this was the matter they don't have any saine memory of them together in the shower so why should it be different this time ?

K ended up with one strong arm around his waist so he wouldn't move anywhere or fall, while the other hand was busy rubbing his back, ass and leg

Fuma was too careful as if he feared to break him again
Mabe because he did break him already twice which is enough

K couldn't get enough from keeping the horny stuff out of his head
He is here naked in front of fuma
How can he resist! He really changed as Euijoo said
Because the old fuma would have seen him as meal to devor


The doorbell rang
Signaling the arrival of the guests

"Can you wear these on your own ?" The younger handed some baggy clothes for K to wear

And K took them "Thank you, I guess I can "

And he was left alone

Why did it make K feel down?

Maybe he expected too much from the younger when clearly he is not the same man K broke up with from before

It's supposed to be a good thing right ?

K is feeling so many things at the same time right now
He is drowned into Fuma's new personality, the younger is more manly and charismatic, more gentle and caring than ever
He is everything K wished from him to be before
At this rate K will end up pleading to be taken by him again.

But there was something about his eyes expression

He looked sad, fuma doesn't smile like before his lips did but his eyes aren't filled with joy he just looks straightly with no emotions

What happened to him?

Was K the reason ?

Did he break his heart that badly?

K glanced at his legs
Was it karma that hit him instead of a motorcycle ?
And now is he brought here to clear his mistakes?


"Who is going to bring K back home
It shouldn't always be fuma kun " Yuma complained even tho he didn't possess any driving lessons

"Guys its alright I can call for a taxi "K said

"K that's unacceptable we are all your friends we are not leaving you alone, you must be more tired than us, we appreciate you joined us even tho your leg isn't cured yet "

"I will get him back, his place is on my way home anyway It's not like a burden to me " Harua said

"Guys I invited him I will take responsibility till the end of the day " Fuma ended the argument

"Oh then
Fuma san gets K home and I as always get Nico with me" euijoo glared at his disappointing boyfriend who was already wasted on the table, his hand still keeping a hold on another drink

And that's how the visitors left everyone to his home

Except for K

"Then I will get ready" K said

Fuma turned around as he heard his voice and stared into the taller's eyes who was leaning on his crutch

"Why don't you stay the night..... I will bring you back tomorrow"
Fuma suggested as he walked slowly closer to him

"I.." k didn't break the eye contact

Until he was standing too close from him

Fuma wrapped his arms around the older's torso pulling his body toward his making K's crutch fall to the side and his body completely leaning over his chest

The older obviously panicked

"Don't you want to stay with me ?" He whispered across the older's face as his eyes started gazing over tempting lips

K gulped "I do "

And the next thing K knows is Fuma's lips were crushing over his kissing him deeply


And that's how they slept together that night

K was too weak to resist the moment he was captured in trh younger's arms
He couldn't help but cling into his broad shoulders and chest, uncontroably become addicted to his scent

Fuma's touches were indeed soft and gentle touches like a plume
Unlike his thrusts which were massive and hot like burning rockets, damaging his inside, sending K to heaven each time he went inside and out of him,

And most importantly filing him with his hot and thick semen made K faint

Despite the pain K didn't beg him to stop but begged for more
It was their first time after three years of them breaking up and K was falling in love again

In the end he was too breathless and exhausted to keep up with more , and fill asleep as soon as the younger dropped his hips down to the bed again allowing him to rest.


The fun part was when K woke up the next morning unable to move his hips to get anywhere

"I can't sit down" K admitted as the younger was about to help him
"Oh " the younger then realised what he did
"I am so sorry!" He felt so guilty and it showed through his expression

"I shouldn't have been rough I just... wanted us to enjoy like the old days "

"Yes except we are older and you have grown up so much down there " k said as he laughed about it

"Please forgive me for hurting you" the younger said as he leaned to kiss K's forehead

Which made K literally blush and stutter "you d-don't have to worry I agreed to it myself I am as responsible as you are "


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