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K is a sport man
He loved playing football and kept pursuing his dream


He got into a road accident
His leg got broken
and he lost the chance to join the national team

It was very heart breaking, he couldn't help but get depressed

K knew it was a matter of time and he should accept reality and go back to his normal life for now, but he had a lot of free time to kill and it was driving him sick

Thankfully his friends were the first to reach him out and be there by his side
or else he was going to explode

He got invited to one of their common friends wedding
This was the big occasion to enjoy time and forget about his worries and problems

But all he could notice is how
everyone continued their life successfully while K's life had stopped after a small accident

Jo and Haura were getting married already
They grew up so much
He feels like he already missed a lot
Will he be able to catch up ?

Of course he felt happy for them but he mainly wandered about himself
will he be ok too?

His friend noticed him spacing out a lot while everyone else was enjoying the wedding party
He hadn't even touched his cake yet

"K" Euijoo was the one who paid more attention to him

"I am sorry for insisting on you to come I just thought being here with us will help you cheer up even tho it hasn't been a week since your accident, forgive me if I acted insensitive" the younger was feeling bad suddenly too

"Its fine don't worry
I love it here plus how could I miss such a special event "

"What did your doctor say ?" Yuma asked

"That I will be able to play football again when my leg is healed of course" k said with a big smile
"It will take some time but I am not that sad like you guys think "
K said to them and tried to be as convincing as he could

Their smile was back as they heard him

"That's our K!
then we are going to stay by your side and cheer you up until you get better "

The older chuckled
K was for sure lucky since his leg wasn't completely damaged, and more lucky to have such a caring friends
Even tho he did wrong by cutting contact with them for a long period of time only because he prioritised his dreams over any other relationships
They still wanted to be friends with him

K has been so hard working and too motivated always chasing his dream ever, but taking a break from all that and hanging out with friends didn't sound that bad
It's still something he can enjoy

He also got to see
his ex from high school

Fuma .... a man who listens to devil
In k's opinion
But k wasn't any better

They committed mistakes against each other Which lead their break up
They were young, so K forgave the younger since then

Its been a long time
But they don't seem to hate each other despite their past
they just..
Stopped meeting or talking due to some reasons

And now they are here again
Sitting next to each other on the same Table celebrating their friends wedding together

K felt like starting his life from zero

His ex lover is here acting like they don't know each other

And he is single too

What was he waiting for all those years ?
When he should be married like everyone else
It filled k's mind with doubt and hope what if fuma was waiting for him all this time ?

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