Where it all began

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I would just like to put a warning out there that if you suffer from an eating disorder or are just getting over one, I recommend not to read this book. It includes an eating disorder.

Later on it will also include self harm so again I would not recommend it to anyone who is struggling with that.


"Come on Florence, are you packed yet, were leaving tomorrow?" My annoying brother asked. His brown hair draped across his forehead to make him resemble a dirty mop.

Matthew walked into my room and jumped on the bed, joining me where I was sitting at the moment. I had packed everything that I owned in my blue backpack which was now lying in the corner of the small hotel room that we were staying in. I hadn't packed very much but my family moved around a lot so that was all I needed.

My family is a average sized family. It's just me, my two brothers and our father who is the reason we move so much. My mother passed away when I was three due to medical reasons. She fought for two years before her body  gave up. Sometime I wonder what it would be like to have a mum but I'm happy with my life. Well apart from the constant moving.

Let me try and explain without giving to much away. My father gets into a lot of trouble so we have to constantly move to try and hide from it.

I had never really been keen on the stuff that he did. It means I don't get to do what other teenagers my age get to do.

I didn't have any friends, I wasn't allowed outside on my own. I hadn't even been to a real school before.
I have been home schooled for as long as I can remember as we move to a different place every few weeks.

Truthfully my life was a confusing mess. My brothers hated our lifestyle. I did too. But our dad won't change so why bother arguing.
He's selfish like that. He was a self-centred person who only cared about himself and money. I learnt not to trust him long ago. My relationship with my father was a rocky one.

Thomas walked into my hotel room with a smirk on his face. Thomas and Matthew were twins, they were one year older than me so they always treated me like a little kid.
It really annoyed me.

Thomas flopped onto the bed. He looked so much like Matthew that for most people it was hard to tell them apart.

Even our dad got confused. I was the only person who seemed to be able to tell them apart. And it wasn't just the fact that Matthew had a small, almost invisible scar just above his left eyebrow.

The day he got that scar we snuck out to the park. An hour later our dad found us and dragged us back home whilst screaming his head off.  He terrified me that day but Matthew and Thomas looked after me and made sure I was okay. Ever since then we have stuck together like glue.

Matthew and Thomas' personalities were complete opposites which anyone who knew them properly should have known. Thomas was a bad boy whereas Matthew was kind and gentle.Though both had a big soft spot for me which I loved about them. Even though they did treat me like a baby sometimes.

"Guess what Flow" Thomas said to me. My brothers had called me Flow ever since we were little. It kind of annoyed me when we were younger but I was so use to it now that I didn't mind it as much. Florence was a mouth full anyway.

"What?" I asked, curiosity lacing my question. My fingers entwined as they usually do. It was nervous habit I had, had since I was a child.

"Dads rented out a car for tomorrow and said that are moving to the centre of London" I smiled as I heard the news. I loved London, it's beautiful there. The business is much nicer than the country side I find. At least I can tell that we are not the only ones still alive that way.

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