Chapter 19

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Florence's POV

I lay with my head on James chest. We were lying outside on the grass and it was beautiful weather. I was turning 17 tomorrow and I couldn't wait.

The Inferno boys were planning on giving me a huge surprise party but I had walked in on them planning it by accident. (Oops)

They now were refusing to give me any details which was torture. I wanted to know what was happening? Is that so wrong?

"Why won't you just tell me whose coming Ragazzino" I said as I sat up and grabbed a cherry from the top of the fruit salad James had made us.

We were having a picnic outside as the weather was lovely, not a cloud in sight. The sky was so blue that you would have though an artist had painted it. I breathed in the lovely smell of roses and lavender. I smiled as good memories popped into my mind.

I lay back down and James enclosed me in his arms. "How are we going to surprise you if you know all the details?" He asked me. I knew he was smiling. I just knew it!

"I don't see how it's a surprise if I already know about it"

It had been a week now since my father had been jailed. We had got what seemed like hundreds of phone calls and messages from the prison saying that the only thing he kept asking for was to see his children.

Today the twin had gone to see him, to ask him and the jail staff to stop messaging us. I was asked if I wanted to come but refused. Who would want to see him anyway. I already got some nice revenge last time I saw him. What more could I want?

"Maybe we should go out?" James said as he started getting up. I shrieked as I fell onto the floor in a heap. I quickly got up to save whatever was left of my dignity and slapped him on the arm.

"That was not fair!" I angrily said as I glared at him in the meanest look I could give.

"WOW im terrified" He said sarcastically and he picked pup the remains of out picnic and the blanket.

We started to walk back to the house. I quickly got behind him and leapt. Just landing onto top of him in a piggy back! I smiled as he carried me towards the back door.

As we entered, I could see Harry and Benny sitting at the kitchen table.

Harry had been trying to teach Benny to play cards. Well actually cheat at cards but that wasn't the point. Benny sat there in a chair a little too big for him and asked Harry or his final card.

"King of Hearts please"

Harry groaned as he handed over his last card. It was very obvious who was winning.

"Lets play again" Benny told Harry as he gave the cards back to him too shuffle.

James continued on our piggyback journey. Stopping briefly to put down the leftover food and blanket before continuing towards the front door where his keys were.

He grabbed them quickly and then walked out the door and towards his car.



"Maybe ice-cream can be our forever" He said

"Shut up you poo and drive, I want my ice-cream"


Sorry I haven't updated in a long time and sorry it's so short. I have a lot of homework and school thing I've had too do.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter


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