Chapter 14

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We just hit 600 views. That's amazing, thank you so much. I'm like freaking out right now, though it might just be the energy drink I had starting to kick in-I have been running around for a while and that's strange for me.

Anyway thank you so much.

I should probably update you on why I haven't updated for a week (LOL that sentence sounded weird), my phone broke really badly and I haven't been able to get onto it. I know it might not seem like much but it had something really important on it. My phone has to be completely wiped and I freaked out because I couldn't get this thing off it. Lucky I eventually did so everything's fine now, I just have to get the phone fixed.


Then I woke up, I was lying on the hard chest of James. Our legs were entangled beneath me.I looked at James face. He seemed so peaceful. Did I really want to wake him by moving?

I decided against moving and jus lay there thinking about what had happened over the past week. I didn't really want to go back to school ever again but I knew I had to face the music. I would have to go back and see Carol again. Though I could always hope that whilst I was gone, she was swallowed by a polar bear.

I doubt that would happen, though I can still dream.

I smiled and shifted my position a little. James stirred but didn't wake up. I started to think about last night. Was it just my mind playing tricks on me or did someone say 'I love you'. I couldn't have been James- could it?

I would have never thought that a boy like James would take interest in me, let alone love me. But here I am, snuggled on top of James.

I closed my eyes. Deciding too get a little more sleep. As I drifted off, I couldn't help but think about what James might have said, and if it was true.

James POV

I woke up quickly. Something was laying on my chest but I didn't know what it was. Worriedly, I looked down to see a sleeping Angel. I sighed. She really was beautiful but she would never believe me if I told her that.

I carefully looked to my right, the clock read just past half 7. I didn't want to wake Florence but I knew I had too if she wanted to see Amanda. If I didn't wake her soon she would probably end up staying in bed all day.

I carefully moved beneath her until I could wriggle out and she was left sleeping on the bed. I then stood up and walked out of the room. Making sure to close the door quietly as I left.

When I got downstairs my whole family, Matthew and Thomas were sitting down eating breakfast.

They all looked up as I entered. I nodded a good morning to everyone and then walked into the kitchen to make breakfast for Florence and I.

As I finished making the food, my mother called me in. I walked in with two plates and looked at he curiously.

She sighed before saying "How is my little angel doing, she won't see anyone". I could tell that everyone was worried. Benny looked very upset. I knew he wanted to se her but she wouldn't let anyone in besides me.

"She is doing really well, she thinks you're all disappointed in her" I told them "That's why she won't see anyone"

They nodded but all still seemed upset. I started to walk away but Thomas shouted at me, making me turn around.

"Tell her we love her and that we miss her very much" He said.

"I will, I promise" I tell him. This seemed to make his tense shoulders loosen a little. I walked out of the room and up the stairs to Florence's room. As I stood outside, I heard a lot of shouting.

I quickly opened the door to make sure she was alright.

Florence was on the bed, sitting down cross legged, being told off by non other than Amanda Tate.

She looked very angry at Florence but in an annoyed friend kind of way. As I walked in both girls gases automatically looked too me. Amanda looked at me for a few seconds and then looked down at my hands, which were sill holding the plates of food.

"Oh good, breakfast is hear just in time, I'm starving" She walked over and took the two plates from me. I was confused to say the least. Nobody had ever taken my food before.

She walked back over to Florence and gave her a plate as she sat down on the bed next to her and started to eat.

"B..B..But...M..My..." I started to stammer but was interrupted by Amanda.

"But what?" She said innocently "Thanks for the food, you can leave now"

So I left in utter shock..... What just happened?



Hey guys.

So what did you think? I hope you are enjoying it. The next chapter is going to be all about Ammy and Florence talking and how Ammy actually woke her up in the first place.

I will update soon.

Thanks for reading


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