Chapter 32. Training camp day 3.

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During the third day, it was pretty much all training again, but it was more hardcore

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During the third day, it was pretty much all training again, but it was more hardcore.

"Tonight's going to be fun! Putting classes against eachother in a test of courage, I know you've been training hard today, and later you'll get to play hard! How's that for a reward?!?" Pixie bob asked,

"It's just more training!" Kendo groaned,

"And training in the dark.." Jirou added, and you sighed, it was definitely what you wanted, no matter how tired you were.


"Yes ma'am!" Everyone replied.

Once again in the food court, you were distracted, and noticed kota leaving again, you decided to go after him again, this time alone.

"Hey kid." You greeted him.

"What are you doing here?" He sneered,

"I know you want to be alone, but trust me it helps having someone, at least one person you can talk to kid" you smiled,

"Why do you keep calling me that?" He asked as he turned back around and sat down, you went over and sat beside him, and looked down to him,

"Because you are" you chuckled lightly,

"And besides, it's a little habit I picked up from one of my uncles." You smiled down at him.

"How can I trust you if your only here a week." He asked, looking away and you nudged his little shoulder,

"Hey, I might only be here a week but doesn't mean you can't call or write, I'm pretty sure Mandalay has midnights number if you wanna talk." You said. After that there were a few moments of silence,

"Your father was spiderman." He said, and you hummed,

"Hey was killed by a villain, and you, you were there?" He asked.

"Yep, I was crouched on the top of a building while he was fighting a villain, I wanted so badly to do something, but I couldn't, I was just a child, and if I did do something I probably would have been killed too.." you smiled lightly as he stared at you,

"I always told myself that I needed to be brave after that, that I shouldn't hide, and like you I was angry, for so long." You admitted it,

"How did you make it go away?" He quietly grumbled, looking down at his little clenched fists.

"Well, after a while it faded and I decided I wanted to be a hero. Because if I did, it could give me some kind of peace that I couldn't get in grief."

"So you don't get angry anymore?" He muttered, on the verge of tears.

"Oh no, I definitely do, or really sad. It will always be there, but you'll learn to accept it." You nodded, and he hugged you again.

"So if I reach out when you leave you'll do the same?" He asked.

"Mhm, I pinky promise." You held your pinky up and linked it with his, "now come on, you can't keep skipping meals." You said to him, and he walked with you on the way back,

"Hey kota, you should give izuku a chance, he's just trying to help you, like me." You suggested, and he kept quiet.

Hours later your class were gathered in the forest ready to compete with class B.

But aizawa had banned Kaminari, sero, kirishima, Mina & sato from competing as they had to study. What a bummer, you felt bad for them honestly, aizawa had them wrapped up and pretty much dragged them to their extra lessons.

Meanwhile, the pussy cats were explaining the game.

"Okay so, class B is going to start out as our scarers, when they're in place class A will leave in pairs every 3 minutes! There are tags with your names on them in the far end of the route. Your goal is to collect those!" Pixie bob explained to A.

"Now, those who are scarers aren't allowed to make physical contact. Use your quirks to terrify the others! Got it?!?" She then said to class B.


"Did we need that visual?" Jirou asked, grossed out,

"It was pretty unexpected haha.." you awkwardly laughed as you rubbed your neck and Iida began to over explain his statement, you placed your hand on his arm and looked up to him, making him look down to you,

"You don't need to analyse and explain it iida, chill, we're just having some fun!" You smiled, and he nodded, smiling himself.

Pixie bob then held the mixed up papers in her hands, "PICK TO DRAW YOUR PARTERS!" Now that there were 5 people in extra lessons from your class everyone would be in a pair, and usually you'd be in teams of 2-4 depending on the exercise.

Once you'd drawn the paper said you were with Shoto and bakugo. And izuku was on his own, since you were in a trio you asked if you could parter with izuku so that he wouldn't have to do it alone but pixie told you that you had to stick to the people you were partnered with.

"Hey 'zuku, I'm sorry your on your own, I asked if I could partner with you but, no luck." You smiled at him,

"You asked to partner with me? Even with bakugo and todoroki as your partners?! Oh y/n you-" he began to ramble before being cut off by bakugo,

"Hey webhead, leave deku alone and come on already." Bakugo grumbled calling you over, you smiled apologetically at izuku and walked over to him so that you could both go and find Shoto.

"What were you even-"

"Y/n." Shoto interrupted bakugo, walking over to you and standing on the other side of you as you greeted him, by now you were making your way through the forest as the first group.

"IM HERE TOO! AND DONT CUT ME OFF! I CANT EVEN REMEMBER WHAT I WAS GOING TO-" bakugo began to yell before being cut off by Shoto again.

"I'm glad I'm partnered with you, we haven't been able to spend any time together lately due to all the training. I'm sure this will be.. fun." He said in his monotone voice as he looked down at you, ignoring bakugos frustrated yells in the background.

"Your right, I'm sorry we haven't spent any time together, I've missed you though." You said, grinning at him and nudging his arm.

"As for you, I haven't missed that loud voice of yours." You turned to bakugo and fake glared at him.

"Your lying. You love my voice, who doesn't." He grumbled rolling his eyes, you just laughed in return and continued walking.

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