~Big Bro~

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Summary: Vaggie gets overstimulated at an after-party for the battle. Angel being the big brother he is, takes her someone safe to calm down

Notes: my back hurts and am projecting my chronic back pain onto Vaggie later in the fic.


After the battle between heaven and hell, a new hotel was built. Charlie immediately wanted to throw a party because they needed to celebrate victory. The new hotel was also very big and even had a room specifically for parties! Charlie planned on using it for graduation parties when someone gets redeemed. But why not do it now?

Vaggie was pretty excited about it. She hadn't been to a party in a long time. However, what Charlie forgot to say was that she was inviting everyone who helped out. That meant not only almost all of cannibal town was there but also Carmilla and her daughters. It was basically like seeing your teacher in public.

During the party, Vaggie was starting to feel overwhelmed, angry, socially tired, and irritated. She had done so much talking and just really wanted to run in her room and hide from everyone.

She was really uncomfortable during the whole thing because people kept bumping into her, trying to talk to her about the whole angel business, and her clothes started to cling to her because she was sweating from feeling overwhelmed.

Charlie wanted her to actually interact with people for a bit so she couldn't leave yet without disappointing her. And she would not disappoint her girlfriend.

So she suffered through it. However, her patience and strength was tested when the dj turned the music up. She could feel her ear drums beating with every second. Her body kept telling her there was danger nearby, even though she knew she was safe. 

As more time passed, the harder it was to breathe. She gasped for air, trying to suck in any oxygen she could get. Her body started moving before she could even realize what was happening. She crashed into the corner of the room, trying to find some sort of safe area. She covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. When would it stop? It was painful!

She felt something touch her shoulder and shrieked for a second before they quickly retrieved their hand. She looked up and saw Angel, squatting down, looking at her with concern.

Just having someone in front of her, staring at her, made the dam break. Tears poured out of her eyes and she let out a pathetic sob. 

“Shit! It's okay, Vags, can ya speak?” Angel’s voice was muffled behind her covered ears, but she understood what he said. She shook her head, dreading the idea of using her voice. 

“That's fine, but I'm gonna have ta touch ya, is that okay?” He asked. Vaggie didn't really want to but she nodded. He swiftly picked her up and cradled her to his chest as he carried her out of the room. She didn't dare look at where they were going.

Soon enough, she found herself being set down on a soft carpet and a pair of headphones being put on her. She looked around and saw that she was in the little room. She gave a confused, pouty, look.

“I saw you was hav’n a meltdown there. Figured you could use some little time to calm down,” He answered to her confused look. He got out her stuffed bear to which she made grabby hands for, regressing almost immediately. It took a lot out of her and she needed some time to feel small.

“Here ya go, Kiddo,” he handed her the teddy. She sniffled, her sinuses being weird from all the crying.

He knew coloring was a very relaxing activity and figured that she needed something calming. So he got out a few coloring books and crayons and one of those plastic tray desk thingies, and put them on the ground. Once vaggie got into a comfortable position with a heating pad and pillows against her back (Her back pain gets worse when she has meltdowns or panic attacks, even when she has wings), she set the tray table over her lap and began to color with her teddy bear in her lap.

He got out some milk from the minifridge and poured it into a trainer sippy (the ones with handles) and warmed it up in the microwave before giving it to her too. He hadn’t seen her eat much at the party and was a bit concerned she wasn’t getting all of her nutrients. Hopefully the warm milk would make it better.

Angel helped her when she couldn’t figure out what color to use, or when she wanted to play with something else. He tried his best to keep his cursing to a low but everyone knows that’s not gonna happen. He never said any sexual things though, not wanting to traumatize the already traumatized girl more. Overall, he was a pretty good caregiver. He played with her and got her things when she needed them. It was safe to say he was now on her emergency babysitter list.

Charlie And Vaggie Age Regression oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now