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Summary: Alastor teases Vaggie about being a little and she gets really upset and starts to feel small. Angel saves the day though!


Vaggie was sitting on a couch in the lobby, hunched over paperwork. She wanted Charlie to take a break from a bunch of hell work that she needed, and offered to take care of it. Luckily, It wasn’t stressing her out too much. If anything, it made her feel bored. But she pushed those bored feelings away and tried to focus on the papers in front of her. 

While she was working, she unconsciously put her thumb in her mouth and began chewing and sucking on it. She hadn’t even realized she was doing it, being too engaged in the paperwork in front of her.

“My, My, Shouldn’t you be using a pacifier instead of your thumb, dear?” Alastor teleported before her, making her jump and pull the thumb out of her mouth. She had just realized what she had been doing .

“Shut up, Alastor, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Vaggie tried playing dumb.

“Of course you do, darling! You were just sucking on your thumb like the dumb little baby you are,” Alastor teased. Usually, vaggie liked being lightly teased when small. When Big, it was a bit annoying but coming from Alastor, it felt like an insult. 

“Can you please leave me alone?” Vaggie asked, irritated. She didn’t even know how Alastor found out. She made sure to only regress in front of the others, not him. He was the worst and she hated his guts. She knew that if he ever found out, he would make fun of her. And that she was right.

“I cannot, Leaving little ones alone is never good!” He said. He knew what he was doing. And he was having a grand ol time doing it

“Shut the fuck up, Al!” Vaggie yelled at him. She was getting really pissed now.

“Oh my, you seem a bit cranky. Does the baby need a diaper change?” 

“I told you to leave me alone!” Vaggie was blushing slightly from the comment. Not because she needed one, but mainly because she was still slightly embarrassed that she used them when little.

“That’s no way to talk to your elders, Vaggie, dear. Do you want me to take away dessert? It’s not like you need it anyways…” He whispered that last part but she still heard it. She had unconsciously whimpered, slipping a little.

“Oi, Smiles, Leave ‘er alone!” Angel walked up to him, seeming pretty pissed. He was sitting at the bar, talking to husk when he heard him talking to her. He wasn’t going to intervene because he still saw vaggie as a stone cold bitch but then he realized that she was getting upset. He didn’t want Alastor to ruin her regression, so he stepped in.

“Ah, the crackhead to the rescue,”

“Come on, Vags, you can do that paperwork lat’a,” Angel dust lightly grabbed her hand and started to pull her away from the living room area. He could sense she was starting to slip too.

Angel walked her to the nursery room and locked the door behind them, hoping Alastor would have enough decency to not follow them. It pissed him off that Alastor was practically bullying Vaggie. Clearly, she didn’t want to be teased by him, yet he continued. That’s technically being a bully. 

He noticed a couple of tears leaking out of Vaggie’s eyes. His face softened and he moved closer to her.

“Hey, what’s wrong, Sweetie?” Angel asked, putting one set of hands on her small shoulders.

“I am jus a dumb baby…” She mumbled. Angel sighed, he wished that Alastors words hadn’t gotten to her yet.

“Hey, yer not a dumb baby. Yeah, maybe a baby at some times, but yer the cutest one ever. Charlie and Carmilla would agree,” He placed his hands on her cheeks and began to wipe away some tears.

Vaggie immediately wrapped her small arms around him, giving him a big hug. 

“F’ank’s Angie,” She mumbled into his stomach. Yes, she is that short. 

“Yer welcome, Vags. Wanna baba or sippy?” He asked, knowing she’d be a little dehydrated from crying. And the fact that he hadn’t seen her drink any water that day.

“Baba, p’ease,” She replied. He lifted her up and carried her by his hip with two arms while the other’s made the bottle with ice water. Once he was done, he held it up to her lips.

“Lean yer head back a bits fer me, kay?” He told her. She leaned a little bit back and began to drink the water. It was nice and soothing against her scratchy, dehydrated throat. 

Angel took care of Vaggie for the rest of her regression time. Feeding her, changing her, playing with her, anything a caregiver would do, he did it too. He would lightly tease, but made sure Vaggie was okay with it beforehand. Maybe Angel would become one of her approved babysitters.

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