Chapter 1 the beginning Part 4 a demon fox

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In the underworld there was a demon lord watching over the mystic kingdom universe. But she was different from most others. She was 16 and was a kitsune with 6 tails. Though her demon powers were currently mostly specialized to being a magic user. Her current form was that of a 16 year old half demon woman. She had no horns or tail. Not even any wings. Even her fox tails couldn't be found. Though she had pale red skin. Her hair was purple with an otherworldly glow that wasn't native to the multiverse.

Her eyes were blood red with an obsessive gaze that almost felt alien in nature. Though in addition to other things. her outfit currently contained a fancy purple dress. A pair of black pants. And a crown that looked like a corrupted halo. mortals her knew her as lilith. A relatively new demon lord who was waiting to be able to ascend to her throne. Though to do so she needed to get married. she didn't really care if the person was royal or a commoner. She just wanted someone pure of heart that also isn't against demons.

Though with the full list of what she wanted. Most otherworlders called her a Yandere. Lilith never could figure out what that meant. Though she soon began to take an interest in Raphael. His magic was uniquely something mortals should normally be incapable of. But after that mutation. His magic. While still insignificant. Was much greater than before. It now had Dragon like aspects. in addition to it's eldritch aspects. This was the first time someone had such a combination in that entire universe. By looking closer lilith discovered It was something that happened in every timeline.

This was something Raphael was destined to do. Though lilith grew interested in Raphael all the same. He was growing into more and more of an anomaly. just like she herself was. Maybe the person lilith needed was Raphael. He was purely neutral. he killed that evil Dragon without any mercy and didn't even give it a chance. As as if he knew it was evil before hand. Though he chooses not to taint his neutrality by following either the path of light or the path of darkness. Perhaps he lacks good and evil?.

If so then he was unable to be corrupted by the passive influence of underworld. This would mean he couldn't fully become a demon. As such he was perfect for her domain and would be able to stay married with her forever. The only problem was Raphael had some amount of interest in his universe and wanted a job somewhere in that universe. Though at least his family was fine with the idea of him dating. Not a single 1 of his family members would have to die. Lilith however continued to observe Raphael Though a magic crystal ball. Just then it showed a prophecy.

new monsters were going to appear in 3 months. A vampire Lord. A kraken. A lich. And A few eldritch beings from the universe. Raphael was to face all of them. alone. Though lilith is unable to see how each of those fights end. It's almost like some higher power isn't letting her. When she tried It only showed an empty void. Nothing more. Nothing less. Though she did notice that she visited Raphael in a dream somewhere between now and the appearance of the first of these monsters.

Though why was her destiny connected to his in this way? A being from a lower dimension should have no influence over the Destiny of higher dimensions. If it was the other way around then it would be normal. Unless he is destined to rise above his current dimension there wasn't much reason it should even be possible. And from what lilith remembered hearing. It's been thousands of years sense there was last a being in that universe who had truly transcended beyond the physical portion of the universe.

Let alone a being who was able to leave the universe without the use of reincarnation. Raphael Pov. After looking through the window and seeing the sunrise. I had a strange feeling that I was being watched. But while it didn't feel like it was out of malicious intent. It still felt unnatural. Though it also felt like there was some form of connection between myself and whoever was watching me. A connection that felt... Important. Though I'm currently unsure why.

The idea of fate and Destiny is the best I could think of to describe what it feels like. Though perhaps some outside force is responsible and could be connected to why I was being watched. Either way I decided to check how the Dragon blood potions were doing. I had no particular plan for them. Though it would have been wasteful to not do anything at all with the Dragon blood. After I carefully looked through them in the back of Gary's potion shop. They all seemed ready.

they were all a shade of orange that was highly comparable to some types of honey. Though they each appeared to be creating small bubbles at the bottom of there containers. Almost like they were carbonated like some type of soda. However the bottles felt warm to the touch. As if to signify the associated element contained within. These were high quality potions. though they were probably in high demand across the world in spite of the risks of gathering Dragon blood. I very carefully put them into my dimensional storage.

Even if I never use them. I'd at least want to pass them on to somebody else. As such I currently value them more than the Dragon egg. Though that doesn't mean I don't want the Dragon egg. In any case I went back home safely. Though I felt like something was off. Like the stars were going to be in the wrong place tomorrow. It was something I never felt before. Though it clearly was a cosmic event.

This meant my magic would be less powerful during the cosmic event. Though it would return to normal afterwords. Knowing what this meant. I decided to use this time to learn the Dragon aspects of my magic. To be honest. If I had to describe how magic seemed to work in this universe. It was divided between elemental magic And source magic. Elemental magic was useable by anyone. Though it lacked the attributes of a source. And thus only had the elements.

Though source magic was different. It gave the elements the attributes of a concept that you are connected to. Along with whatever types of magic could be directly associated with it. Though some sources could merge with others in the correct circumstances and become a more powerful source. But how does one acquire a source? Some people are just born with it as part of an ancient bloodline. Some people develop a source by mastering certain aspects of each element.

Some acquire a source via potions. Some do so via forbidden knowledge. And some do so via souls. Lastly it's theoretically possible to take another person's source through the use of certain types of magic. It's an unorthodox type of magic system. it does have it's benefits. However it still has rituals and incantations like most others. fortunately for me. An eldritch source bypasses the need for any words to be used in any incantation.

The result is that any spell I use that normally requires an incantation is nothing more than an instant high power spell. End of pov. Lilith "(interesting. Raphael has figured out most of how the magic system works. And those potions. If I gave them to the correct people. I could potentially go to war against heaven and have a realistic shot at winning the war. Raphael doesn't quite understand the full potential of what he has at his disposal. With the right training he could become an outergod. And his power growth is just as frightening. in the time of a month he went from being able to destroy a multidimensional mountain or 2. to now being able to destroy multidimensional planets, I can only imagine how powerful he will be after a year or two)"

??? "So. You have found a new person to allow you to claim your throne after all. It really was quite a shame how the previous died. And to think you were going to wait years for both of you to be of age, all for nothing". Lilith "just because I haven't yet claimed my throne doesn't mean I lack the power to kill you with nobody remembering you. And I know you were responsible for their death. Had I not discovered Raphael You'd currently be dead exactly where you stand, even your parents wouldn't remember your pitiful existence". ??? "But are you sure what happened will not happen again? Any demon powerful enough can claim a thrown. You aren't the only candidate. And you aren't the only person interested in joining the fallen stars"

 lilith "perhaps other pretenders might take your place. I can't deny that. However that still falls under the assumption that they wouldn't also be erased before they can do anything". ??? (It's time a new dynasty began in this domain. If lilith never manages to claim her thrown then her family's dynasty will end forever. As the last of her family lilith would be stripped of the domain of wrath. which in turn gets inherited by the new ruling dynasty, the only thing that could stop this is a prophecy about her dynasty being able to be restored if she is married to someone that the underworld itself couldn't turn into a full blooded demon)

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