Author's Note

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Author's Note
As someone who lives between the pages of books, I can't count how many times I've lived in another person's head and fell in love with the love interest the same way they did. In experiencing their first loves, I've realized that there's hardly any stories about characters who already have a history between them, who've already fallen in love and maybe fallen out of it too. In tackling this novella, I wanted to explore the idea of two people who maybe fell in love a time ago, and wanted to rekindle their relationship. I wanted to see what it would be like for both sides of the coin and how they'd each relive the time they had together. I wanted to witness them fall for each other as deeply as they'd the first time. I hope that this work delivers, for love is more than just your first time. It's every time after too. And while one might not forget their first love, they might not forget any of the ones after either.


(june '15 -)


"Appearance blinds, while words reveal." —Oscar Wilde


This is for those determined, for those who have a plan in mind and stop at nothing to achieve it. This is for those who endure, despite their difficulties. For those who continue to keep an open mind even when they have no idea of the outcome. For those who never consider the idea of giving up, because failure isn't an option. You are a blessing.

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