Chapter Six

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Kim rested her head against the table, ignoring the burn that came from it sitting in the sun all day. Yesterday, she'd barely gotten any sleep. Savannah called her around midnight and once she heard that Connor drove her home, she demanded to be told the whole story.

She had stayed up the entire night recollecting the ride home. To top it all off, her dad had grilled her for more details about Connor over dinner. She thought if she had to answer another question about the boy she'd explode.

There must be someone looking out for her, because she hadn't caught a glimpse of him today. She wasn't even sure whether he was supposed to be working or not—but this worked for her. Talking to him would've drained the very last of her energy. Energy she needed to focus on lifeguarding.

The click of footsteps on the concrete made her lift her head, and she smiled almost immediately.

Savannah strolled over, holding a paper tray filled with two coffees in one hand, and a Dunkin Donuts bag in the other. She waved it in the air meaningfully as she neared. "Brought you a snack," she said. "After hearing you last night, I thought you would need it."

"Have I ever mentioned I love you?" She reached for the nearest ice coffee as soon as the tray was set down. The plastic was cool to the touch, water droplets sticking to her palms.

Savannah slid into the seat across from her and grabbed the other coffee, wrapping both hands around the cup. "You could mention it more often."

Kim took a sip, and she nearly moaned as it spilled down her throat. She had no idea that she even needed this. "Well, I love you," she said. "How did you even know?"

"You sounded awful on the phone. And I might've felt a little bad for making you stay up late, so I thought coffee would be a good way to perk you up."

Kim put her coffee down after a few more long-lasting sips, and she grabbed the bag. She opened it and peered inside to look at its contents. There were two donuts packaged: a one with chocolate icing and rainbow sprinkles, which would be Savannah's, and a powdered one—her favorite kind. Her friend knew her well.

"I think I need to say I love you again." She took her donut from the bottom and took a giant bite from its edge after unwrapping it.

Savannah laughed. "I know what you need when you're hungry or feeling emotional. That's what I'm here for."

"I don't know what I'd do without you," Kim said, her voice muffled due to the crumbs in her mouth.

"Luckily," she said, propping her feet up in a chair adjacent to their table, "you'll never have to find out. Now, hand me my donut."

Kim obliged, and the two girls sat there for a few minutes while they finished off their snacks. Once they were each finished, Kim's mood had brightened a hundred percent. Her terrible day had lightened up in a matter of minutes, looking for the better.

"So?" Savannah arched an eyebrow. Everything about her had always been narrow and pointed, from her neatly shaped eyebrows to her bird-like face. "Have you seen him yet?"

"No." And she wasn't sure if she wanted to. "I think he's on a shift. You came at the perfect time—during my break."

The corners of her mouth curved upward into a smirk. "I might've asked your dad for your schedule. I'm prepared, aren't I?"

"You are," Kim admitted. "I'm surprised he even knew where my schedule was."

"He didn't. I noticed it while I was at your house the other day and had to remind him."

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