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"A story in which two lovers have completely different worlds."


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" Often in this world, strangers meet on unknown paths and together create a world "

" Often in this world, strangers meet on unknown paths and together create a world "

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" This is a fictional story in which India is still ruled by the kings but in a modern way, everything is modern but the difference is that it still runs within the kings "

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" This is a fictional story in which India is still ruled by the kings but in a modern way, everything is modern but the difference is that it still runs within the kings "





Story covers

Story covers

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Author Warning ⚠️

" This story is just for entertainment and read this story only for entertainment, I do not intend to hurt anyone's intentions "

" English is not my first language so I have made many grammar mistakes. Please forgive me if you have any problem with this "

" If there is any mistake in this story other than grammar mistake that you do not like, then please forgive me "

" This story is my imagination, it has nothing to do with real life and this story is meant only for fun "

" And do not steal or copy my work at all because I have worked very hard and I hope you people will like it"

" The story can be mature and if someone doesn't like it then you know what to do. "

Let's start the story

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Let's start the story

And yes, don't forget about votes and comments

Love ruhi ❤️

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