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A young woman who was wearing a heavy coat and a huge scarf around her neck stepped out of the cab at the Place du Bourg du Four in Geneva, at four in the morning. The driver assisted her in unloading the suitcases before leaving the woman on her own. The mansion was still and dark when she opened the door and entered, dragging the trolley and a smaller bag, the only light sources were the wall lamps lining the wide staircase that led to the second floor.Isabel Montero had finally returned home after a twelve-hour air travel, the length of the journey from Hong Kong to Geneva. She decided to leave the luggage downstairs and climbed the stairs while feeling exhausted, taking care not to wake up Fermina, her housekeeper. Seth, her Siamese cat, was awake and alert, had heard her coming, and had accompanied the girl to her room, but she hadn't noticed him until she felt a silky fur caressing her legs. She briefly considered taking a shower, but she decided against it because it was already too late and her comfortable bed was calling to her in a persuasive manner, much like the siren song had done for Ulysses. She took off her shoes, made her way to the cozy bed, undressed, and slipped under the covers. Seth purred softly as he cuddled up next to her in bed, letting her know that he was overjoyed to have his girl back.A soft but insistent knock on the door woke her up, she slowly opened her eyes, wondering where the heck she was, Isabel was confounded by jet lag, in recent years it belonged to her life. She then heard Fermina's quiet but determined steps approaching the wide windows, where she would open the drapes and let in the pale light of a typical overcast, dreary November morning in Geneva. Seth was plainly annoyed and had unusually narrowed eyes when she stretched herself under the warm covers, so she extended her arm and caressed him to calm the Lord of Siam. The cat seemed to be happy to be back in the big bed with her, but Seth wanted Isabel to move a little faster since it usually had breakfast by that point.

"Good morning, sweetheart. I didn't hear you arrive tonight, or should I say this morning?" Fermina remarked, "In your last message you asked me to wake you up at nine, do you want me to bring breakfast? I've been so anxious, you know I usually get stressed when you're fluttering in the clouds," she added as she gathered the things Isabel had left scattered here and there the previous evening and determined they needed to be washed."By the way, how was the trip, mi amor? Isabelita... And este gato terriblehas me really concerned! As though he didn't care about getting thinner, he made the decision to go on a hunger strike! Thankfully, he discovered that hunger is ugly after two days and began eating again. Are you sure you won't be working today? Santa hija, you look too thin. Didn't the Chinese feed you?""Good morning to you as well, Fermina," Isabel said, cutting off the woman's lengthy soliloquy. "The trip went well, thank you," Isabel replied telegraphically. "Hong Kong isn't in the middle of China, and I'm terribly hungry and pleased to be back home. I'll phone Michelle at the gallery, and, I'll stay at home if they don't require me to be there. I'll take a shower to wash off the hours of travel, and then I'll head downstairs for breakfast." Satisfied with Isabel's plan, the woman kissed the girl on the forehead, opened all the curtains, and quickly made breakfast for the person she thought of as more than just a daughter.It was time to get up, so Isabel gave Seth one last gentle rub before getting out of bed. She went to the bathroom and switched on the shower, and while she waited for the water to get hot, she took a look at herself in the mirror.She called out to the cat, "Seth, buddy! Take a look at these wrinkles, they weren't there before. What do you say? Five minutes under the shower and 2everything will disappear. Do you join me?" she humorously questioned the cat, "Maybe I'm fatigued by the journey, I hope so."Seth bravely pushed his head under the shower, but a few somewhat stronger hot water splashes caused him to retreat as though they were lava lapilli. After ten minutes, Isabel felt rejuvenated. She put on a soft bathrobe, and immediately dried her damp hair before returning to her room. After all, she had made the decision to work from home, and she liked to feel comfortable, so she opened the wardrobe and opted to wear a cozy tracksuit.Isabel descended the stairs followed by Seth like a shadow; the cat would'nt have lost the sight of her for nothing in the world. When she reached the kitchen, she was surrounded by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and chocolate fritters. After seeing Isabel and Seth enter, Fermina filled the cat's bowl first. The descendent of the Siam emperor's cats as a member of the royal family, was entitled to some privileges! The cat quickly raced to devour his breakfast while Isabel made herself a cup of milk and coffee before sitting down at the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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