Chapter 7

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There are three things a man never wants to hear.

One: I cheated on you with your hotter brother.

Two: His dick performed way better.

And Three: I don't know if the child is yours.

All very valid things, no?

Well, we can add a fourth one to that list.

That one happens to be: go to sleep.

It was late. Far past my own bedtime, but Harry could neither find a comfortable spot or make the effort to find one.

"Harry? Please go to sleep." I begged the younger lad, hearing him slam his fist in a rhythm on my mattress.

He stopped.

A minute later, the rhythm continued.

"Harry!" I exclaimed, rolling over from where I was perched in the chair. I just wanted to rest before going out to prep breakfast in the morning. I'm thinking lamb with a couple of fresh laid chicken eggs.

"I'm bored. Hell, I'm scared and you expect me to fall asleep like this? I just – "He sighed, letting his voice fall silent. Instead, he continued to tap a beat. Harry figured it would be less annoying than trying to explain.

Me being the sweet, caring and understandable woman that I was; uncurled myself from the uncomfortable chair and sat down next to this injured deer of a man and cocked my head.

I said nothing, because if it was important; he would tell me.

Harry glowered, quieting again when he saw my eyes through the mask. I'm sure I was conveying the annoyance clearly. In fact, I am almost sure of it.

"I need some air." Harry muttered, but knew he couldn't go out to get some. If he could; I would have walked with him to the main roads, because that meant he was alright. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. He was stuck.

Instead, I did the next best thing. I walked over to the entrance and opened the door to let some much-needed air through.

"Afraid that's all I can do for you, Harry."

I walked back, sitting at the side of where he laid, reaching out to take his wrist.

He pulled back defensively.

"What are you doing?" Harry demanded, making me grasp his wrist with my two fingers to check his pulse.

"You're getting worked up and all I'm taking is your pulse." I answered, noticing his heartrate was elevated.

Immediately, I followed up with my other hand feeling his temple.

"Are you sick?" I asked, noticing he didn't have a temp, but he was sweating a little and had been having hot flashes all day. It had been relatively boring; he had stayed quiet and reclusive but showed exasperation to a point that it obvious he had a lot on his mind.

Cold wind seeped into the warm cave, allowing the buildup of air to cool the large space.

"No; I'm fine," Harry replied, not taking his gaze from mine. "Can I ask you something though?"

I shrugged, gesturing for him to go on.

Harry sighed, laying back down.

"When do you think it will let up enough so you can get help? I need medical, Bellerose." Harry virtually pleaded and my heart went to him. It did, but if I left and something happened to me? Harry would be out here alone; without anyone knowing.

I needed to make sure the snow let up, that way I could make the journey there and back safely.

"When it lets up, Harry. I don't know when that will be. I do know that I have to keep going to the stream and if there's a search party out there and they come across me; I promise you that I will flag them down. I want you gone as much as you want to be gone. Trust me." I assured, smiling behind my mask, standing to go over to the chair.

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