Who to Blame?

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(Hotel In Phuket)

Kim looked at Porchay as if he is disappointed in him, Porchay on the other hand was looking at him as if he can lose his mind right now " Why would you do this? You did this knowing I will have my heat don't you Code?" Porchay smiled as if he is drunk,

" I did this because you treated me like a rapist and rather get out of the house on your heat instead of trusting that I wouldn't touch you without your consent" Kim was surprised after hearing that but before he can say anything Porchay was sniffing him like a dog " What- What are you doing?" he asked,

Porchay left a kiss on his neck " The most delicious snack I have ever smelled in my life" he murmured, Kim blushed at his words " Chay- Code- stop what you are doing right now- it's-"

Before he can even say anything Porchay plugged his nose with his fingers and threw himself on the opposite side of the bed looking at Kim with worried eyes,

" Go away P'Jeff! If you stay I don't think I can control my mind any longer" he said, Kim's eyes got big, he stands up and run to make it out of the room and go somewhere safe like VegasPete's room where he can spend a peaceful heat in without getting judged,

Before he can make it to their room he was stopped by running into someone " P'Kinn" he said in horror,

Kinn just got closer to him and smelled his scent " What are you doing running out of your room when you are in heat like this?" he asked,

Kim wanted to curse, from all the people he could run in, he run into Kinn, really?

He looked guilty for a second" I just- I am not ready" he said the first excuse that came into his mind,

Kinn sighed " Then why did you mate with him this early?" he asked,

Kim looked away, he was right but Kim just didn't want to upset Korn,

Instead of answering he choose to run away from him and his questions at the same time,

" Look P'Kinn, I don't think I have any time left to talk about this with you so let's discuss about my mistakes later when my heat is over" he said but before he can make his way apart from Kinn, he was stopped by Kinn again " You know what happens to mated alphas when their omega spend their heat away after smelling it right?"

Kim freeze, Porchay smelled him, he turns around to look at Kinn " What happens?" he asked,

Kinn sighed " It's like dad wasn't the one who gave us both the talk back then Kim" he murmured " Mated alphas, they went through a lot of pain if they are not with the omegas when they were in heat after smelling the heat on them"

That made Kim feel awful, so he is only causing pain to Chay by running away?

Though isn't this Chay's fault for forcing him to go on this vacation?

No matter what he can't ignore Chay's pain anyway,

It would be ok if he was the one in pain but he can't make Chay suffer because of his own values,

But maybe it's a little pain, maybe it's not too much then he can ignore his pain maybe,

Kim gulped " What kind of pain?" Kinn shrugged his shoulders " How would I know? I have never been mated" he answered simply then put his hand on Kim's shoulder " To be honest though, I wouldn't leave him alone if I were you, even if dad begs to differ, in my eyes he is still just a kid like you and leaving him alone while he is suffering because of your readiness sounds too cruel"

Kim sighed Kinn was right, if he really will be in pain, it is not worth Kim to be selfish and protect his pride from doing it with someone who is nine year younger than him,

Mixed Up Universe (In Another Universe PorchayKim/TaBarcode's Story)Where stories live. Discover now