Party Of Three

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(Emilio's Kitchen)

Emilio wanted to kill himself, he really did,

He never thought he would miss the old Kim who would take him seriously when he kidnapped him and not make Emilio untie him to gossip in the kitchen with his best friend,

" Oh my god! So he knew and never let you know that he knew!?" Pete asked sitting comfortably on the kitchen table,

Kim nodded while he drank a sip from his tea " Yes and not only that, he didn't even come to my graduation, if he wanted to be cold against me he should do it since the day he learns about it! That would hurt less than this"

Pete nodded seriously and fixed Kim's hair " I agree! He probably knows about me changing my soul too then! I wonder if he tried to change me too" Pete said with a hurt voice, did Korn tried to do that? If he did Pete may start crying about it now,

Emilio rolled his eyes " Why would he even care about you? You are just his bodyguard" he said eating a bite from the cake they ordered with the two of them looking at him as he just murdered someone,

" Why aren't you two trying to escape or something? Why are you invading my kitchen and gossiping?" he asked when he couldn't take the pressure he is getting from their gazes anymore,

" I would comply and run away after hearing that rude comment but now I think you need a lecture about being rude and realize the truth that of course my father in law would care about me, have you seen how he is treating me and my children? No? Yeah I thought so, outsiders shouldn't comment on the things like these" Pete said in a scolding manner,

Then Kim realized he never asked Emilio the secrets he wanted to spill from the start " So the things you wanted to tell about me? What are them?" Kim asked, Emilio looked at him with unbelieving eyes but still answered his question since he cannot do anything about these two psychotic patients eating cake and drinking tea in his kitchen with him now anyway.

He decided to spill out all of it out in one go "I killed original you with that Russian Gang because I was in love with original Pete"

Kim's mouth was wide open nearly making the cake piece in his mouth fall as he cover it with his hand " Oh my god!" Pete said in English " I can't believe it" Kim continued joining his friend on being shocked,

" But then why didn't you ask me out after killing Kim" Pete asked curiously as if this is the most normal topic they can chat about,

Why aren't they afraid of me even a little?, Emilio thought, he never saw something like this in his life, even his own cousins are afraid of him,

He answered Pete's question anyway " I thought when Kim continued to live, he will be more careful and vary of his lover so I acted like I did nothing and continued to be his friend until eventually I fall in love with him instead" he confessed,

Pete put his head on his palms " And now are you in love with Kim?" he repeated like a lunatic with wide eyes,

Emilio was a little taken a back so he just nodded " Yeah I am, my love grows even more since he rescued me a year ago from my dad" Kim looked confused at first not sure what Emilio is talking about before he remembered " Ohhh that day" he said,

Suddenly his head snapped towards Emilio " Wait you will not do anything to Porchay like you did to original Kim will you?" he asked,

Emilio rolled his eyes " His family is far too strong for me to do that, also now that you know about it there is no way you would agree to be mine so all of my efforts would have been for nothing" he said,

Kim nodded before commenting on Emilio's love for him further " Well you could have me actually, you are just a little late, if you just came to me and wanted to mate with me before I did with Porchay, I would have said yes"

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