Himedere Prince (Final Part II)

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Barcode sat down on the couch with his right leg on top of his left leg and his left feet waving around looking at the make-up artist touching Ta's face so affectionately,

Even if Bible said time and time again since they came here that she is not doing anything to flirt with Ta, Barcode cannot help but be jealous about it anyway, no, he is not jealous, he was just pissed that Ta can replace him so quickly when he just realized he liked Ta,

Also the fact that Ta did not come to talk to him once since his arrival here even if it was the first time they have seen each other in days, it's like he didn't miss him at all,

He tried to complain about Ta's lack of attention which was answered by Jeff again when he said Ta is probably waiting for him to approach first since he was ordered to stay away from Barcode by Build not long ago.

He folded his arms and continued to stare even if Ta is actively avoiding his gaze right now.

After they filmed yet another content for Youtube like nothing happened, everyone decided to meet up and eat dinner at one of the high-end restaurants around here,

He thought Ta would come and get him to travel by his car but he was humbled when instead of him Nodt, Bas, Job and Perth made their way into Ta's car without him saying anything about it,

" I told you to approach first, he will not disobey Build's orders, he is trying to build a healthy relationship with you and approaching you first would not be practical on his side" Bible said before petting his hair,

Barcode was convinced a little but he does not know how he can just approach Ta and tell him he likes him now, that sounds weird and fake, can't he just die for him or something? That would be easier for him to do, he even have practice on doing that,

" And I know Ta, you can't make him give up and talk to you first like this, he really wants to be with you and he is disciplined when it comes to things he wants, so if he thinks he shouldn't be the one to approach you first, he will not do it even if you fuck Jeff in front of him to make him jealous"

Barcode rolled his eyes and made his way to Bible's car without answering him so he can attend the dinner before it's too late to find a ride there.

When they were seated at a long table in a VIP room of the restaurant Barcode thought it was a joke, he was sitting right across Ta and Ta had Us in one side and Nodt on the other,

And the weird part is Us seemed to be continuously flirting with Ta, he kept putting food in his plate, fixing his clothing and hair, feeding him teasingly, laughing at all of his words, yeah words, for Barcode those were not even jokes,

Ta on the other hand seemed uncomfortable and as if he does not know what to do with this weird behaviour, thank god he was like that or he was sure Barcode will have blood in his hands.

" Do you like this Ta~, I can get more for you" Us was about to give another spoonful of food to Ta's mouth when Barcode stand up suddenly taking all the attention to himself " Ta, can we have a word?" he asked looking at Ta's face with a serious expression on,

Ta nodded eagerly while Us looked at Barcode with a smirk on his face then watched as Ta and Barcode leave together,

Us turned at Bible " P'Build was right" he laughed " Playing with these two's jealousy is the most entertaining sport you can ever do" Bible was surprised, he didn't even know these two are in contact, he actually thought fake Build did not like Us at all,

Build found ways to surprise him every time.

Barcode took Ta's arm and made him went into the single toilet locking the door behind them as he did so " What the fuck are you trying to do? Make me jealous?" he asked, Ta panicked thinking he ruined the only chance he had by letting Us approach him like that,

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