chapter ten

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Once again Archer's crew embarked on a journey across the sea. This time we are not going to make a stops at islands or continents. This ship is going straight to la isla de los sueños muertos. During the time on the ship, I befriended all of the pirates. I noticed, that all of them acted like a strange family.

"If you want to, you can ask Johan to help you up." Said Alicia pointing to a young boy who spends most of his time in the crow's nest. I wanted to climb to the crow's nest for quite some time. I asked around and finnaly got sent to the boy who sits there all the time. I should have started with him.

"I can stay here alone. If I see anything I will shout." I said after climbing to the crow's nest.

After Johan explained everyting about his job he left me here and went to dine.

I loved it there, I could enjoy the view and sink in my pool of thoughts. I thought about me and Archer. I knew I had some sort of feelings for him, but I didn't knew what they were. Was it anger, because he used me while I was drunk? Maybe not. Was it admiration or fascination, because I never met someone so cool? Probable, but not in this situation. Or was it love...? I couldn't choose an answer to this suggestion my mind came to, so I thought about another topic. About Alfonso. I didn't spent much time with him on the ship. He did raise me, but I felt some kind of hatred for him... I felt betrayed by him, because he gave me away to my father, after my mother's death. I also felt conflict within myself. I loved Alfonso like a father, but also felt hate. My mind was also full of theories about the emperor. After hearing the legend I couldn't understand the reason behind his actions. It seemed like something was missing. Something big...But what? I also thought about my "family" back at the dukedom. My stepmother probably went crazy after knowing, that her worthless stepdaughter stole her precious Clarise and ruined a wedding, that probably could have earned the dukedom quite a sum from the emperor. I thought about how my governess and stepmother would react to the all unlady like things I did through this journey. Not to mention I threw the concept of manners out of the window. And my intercourse before wedding with a digraceful man wasn't most lady like thing... I am already out of the wife market. But I felt some kind of freedom. Doing what I want. Sleep with whoever I want. Loving whoever I want... I spent hours of thinking about my life and didn't notice how the night came. I also didn't notice a certain pirate climbing to the crow's nest.

"I see you like it here. Should I stop calling you a bride and change it to a crow's nest's bird. Hmm, Birdie?" Said Archer in his charming suave voice.
It seemed like the gods were not on my side.

"Huh?" I asked surprised by this encounter. I felt how the space on crow's nest was way smaller than before. To make it even worse Archer was getting closer, and closer closing the space between us. He put his hands on the railing, trapping me between his hands. I could feel his warm breath blowing to her cold face and the same musk and sandal wood.

"You look cold, did you really spent hours here not caring about your health?" Asked Archer pointing to my thin clothes and acting like some doctor. He took of his jacket and put it on my shoulders making me even more surprised. I didn't move an inch until he drasticly pulled me in his arms. Archer crushed his salty lips on mine and forced his tongue in. I once again melted in his arms and gave up all the parts that didn't want him. He had that strange way of forcing me to let my guard down and fall for him. It seemed like I didn't care about my situation and our relationship anymore. I felt wonderful tingles in the lower part of my body and hugged him thighter. I kissed him back with the same force he did the first time and wrapped my hands around his neck. Archer broke of the kiss and said:
"I've been thinking about you for days. How about we go to my cabin?"

My eyes widened. I quickly decided to go for what I want in this moment and kissed Archer one more time.

"Let's go." I said with a huge smile on my face. I will not care about anything and give in to the moment. I am free to do what I want to.

Archer took me in his arms like a groom takes his brid, and climbed down. With few kisses on our way, we went to his cabin. Once Archer bursted the door, in his well lit room sat Alfonso.

"Archer, we have some things to discuss. Vivi, leave us and go to sleep." Said Alfo in a surprisingly cold voice.

"But...-" I started, but got stoped by Alfo's raised hand.

"No buts. Go." Ordered Alfo standing up.

Archer looked at me and kissed me one more time.

"I'll call you when he leaves. For now go to your bed, Birdie." Said Archer in a calm and soothing voice,  before he closed the door behind him, leaving me behind. In the cold of this night.

A tale of runaway bride and the sea (Siren bride series) Where stories live. Discover now