| Chapter 12 | If I Begged You To Stay

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Hey loves, do you remember me?

 I hope you all are doing great! And I hope you have not cursed me that much.😂🤭
I'm back with another chapter, which I hope you will like, and I also want you to get prepared for the next one because it's my favourite one🥹🤍

OK, I'm leaving you with the chapter. Also, there is a new character😉
Enjoy the chapter. I will wait for the end!
Lots of love and hugs



In the sterile embrace of the hospital's fluorescent-lit corridor, Eda felt the world tilt on its axis. The doctor, an ostensibly benign presence, morphed before her eyes into an emissary of doom. His eerily familiar yet indistinct features flickered like a candle in the wind of her memory, teasing her with the shadows of recognition.

As he delivered the tumultuous news of Serkan's demise, a cold void opened within her, threatening to consume her whole. "Is there not going to be any smile in my sky?" she murmured, a broken melody of despair. The grief that enveloped her was an all-too-familiar shroud, reminiscent of the agony that had clawed at her soul when fate cruelly ripped her baby from her arms. Was her destiny just an endless parade of loss?

"No...he can't be..." she whispered, a fragile denial thread in the vast, oppressive reality. Her heart rebelled against accepting a universe devoid of Serkan's warmth.

The doctor's response was a grotesque smile, a chilling contortion of his lips that shattered the last vestiges of her composure. A smile seemed to revel in her torment, a harbinger of deeper, darker truths yet to be unveiled.

Driven by a maelstrom of grief and rage, Eda lunged at him, her voice tearing through the silence like a blade. "You are lying...liar...son of a bitch!" It was a cry of a soul pushed to the brink, refusing to succumb without a fight.

Yet, before her hands could reach the fabric of his deceit, a shadow moved behind her—a silent, ominous spectre lurking unnoticed. The sharp sting of an injection pierced her neck, a physical shock that echoed the betrayal she felt. Her legs betrayed her, folding beneath her as if they, too, had succumbed to the despair that filled her heart.

As she fell, the doctor knelt beside her, his face now a mask of hostility that seemed to consume the light around him. "The boss sends his greetings and blessings upon you," he hissed his words, a venomous caress that seemed to seep into her very bones.

The shadowy man, previously just a silent actor in this dreadful scene, stepped forward, his presence commanding yet eerily insubstantial. "Are you sure she doesn't remember you?" His voice was a low rumble that seemed to stir the air with the weight of unspoken secrets.

The doctor, still kneeling beside the now prostrate Eda, shook his head with a confidence that belied the gravity of their act. "No, she doesn't. And even if she does..." he trailed off, a smirk playing on his lips as he considered the implausibility of their situation being uncovered. "No one will believe her."

His words hung in the air, a testament to their calculated risk. With a nonchalance that spoke volumes of his assurance, he added, "Besides, nothing will happen to me. I was promised."


In the silent, charged atmosphere of the ICU, Resident Nare's routine visitation took a harrowing turn. A sense of dread washed over her as she neared Serkan Bolat's bed. The machines that were his lifelines—perfusors, the ventilator, and the dialysis unit—stood ominously silent, their screens devoid of the reassuring rhythms of life. Serkan's vital signs were in a difficult decline, the monitors displaying the slow descent of his heart rate and blood pressure.

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