| Chapter 16 | Tears In The Rain

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Hey loves ... do you remember me? 🥺
How are you all doing...hope you all are doing amazing.
I'm back with a new chapter, which was hard to write, but I managed to finish it...so I will leave you with this chapter and, as always, wait for you by the end of it.
Lots of love,


Ten days later...

Alexandria, Egypt

Serkan lay awake in the dimly lit hotel room in Alexandria, the haunting rhythms of the distant Mediterranean waves melding with the turmoil in his heart. He had fled here to Egypt, a place rich in history and mystery, hoping the change would help him escape the chaos that now clouded his life. But even here, amidst the ancient sands and whispered secrets of the past, Serkan found no peace.

Originally, this trip was meant to be a joyful escape—a prelude to a future he had envisioned with Eda. He had planned to propose genuinely, to sweep her away on a brief, magical getaway before their wedding. He wanted to show her the world's beauty, the places that had touched his heart, dreaming of the day they could explore them together, hand in hand. But cruel and unyielding life had shattered those dreams, scattering them like glass upon the harsh stones of reality.

Now, as he tossed restlessly on the bed, Serkan's thoughts spiralled into despair. Would they ever smile genuinely at each other again? Or had their smiles become just another mask, a façade maintained for the sake of appearances? The distance between them felt like a chasm, widened by the actions that had once promised to protect them.

Serkan was furious with Eda, not just because of the extremeity of her actions but because he could not find a way to help her this time. His principles, the core of his being, forbade him from condoning her actions. No matter how much Oguz deserved to meet his end, even death should come through justice. Oguz had escaped punishment for too long, but Eda—his brave, fierce Eda—had taken matters into her own hands, and now she too might face severe consequences if the truth ever came to light.

As he lay there, the weight of loneliness pressed down upon him. The last time he had slept soundly was curled up with Eda, her arms a haven from the relentless demons of his past. After the death of his parents, the brutal nights on the streets evading Cetin's men, and the horrors he witnessed at war, sleep had become a stranger to him. The nightmares from those dark days clung to him, a constant shadow from which he could never quite escape.

The doctors had prescribed pills to help, but their effect was waning, leaving him more isolated in his waking nightmare. Yet, in Eda's embrace, Serkan had found a semblance of peace, a sense of home that he thought would last forever. But now, that home was no more. He felt homeless again, unmoored and adrift in a sea of his torment.

With a deep, shuddering breath, Serkan continued his silent soliloquy. "And now, what am I to do? How can I protect you, Eda, when every instinct tells me to pull you close, yet every principle screams to push you away? How can I stand by you when standing means betraying my sense of justice?"

He sighed, the sound heavy with weariness. "You crossed a line from which we can never return. And yet, I can't help but love you, as if my heart refuses to accept what my mind already knows. You are my heart's betrayer and truest love, all at once."

Closing his eyes, Serkan let the tears come. They were tears for Eda, himself, and the innocent dreams that had died between them. "Forgiveness feels like a betrayal to my soul, yet vengeance feels like an assault on my heart. How do I choose Eda? How do I choose between my love for you and the principles that have guided me through the darkest of my days?"

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