| Chapter 13 | A Journey Back Home

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Hello sweethearts, I hope you all are doing amazing!!!
And Happy Easter to everyone celebrating!💗🐰
I'm back with a new chapter, which I hope you will enjoy. Also, currently, I'm working on the next one😏
Neyse, I'm leaving you with the chapter, and as always, I will be waiting for it by the end of the chapter!💘
Lots of love and hugs,


Serkan was asleep, his breaths even and steady, painting a picture of tranquillity in the dimly lit hospital room. Eda sat beside him, a storm of emotions behind her calm exterior. She found herself biting her lip in nervous anticipation, checking her phone repeatedly for any sign of communication from Cuneyt. However, her inbox remained glaringly empty, each passing minute stretching longer than the last.

Then, abruptly, her phone buzzed—a message that made her heart skip a beat: It's done. He passed away.

Eda recoiled, dropping the phone as if it had seared her skin. She shook her head in a desperate attempt to reassure herself, whispering, "I did this to protect Serkan," even as doubt gnawed at her conscience. The method she had chosen to safeguard him felt egregiously wrong in the aftermath of such finality.

Hours later, Cuney arrived at the hospital."How are you feeling?" he inquired, his tone laden with feigned concern.

Eda's gaze shifted to the floor before she answered, revealing the internal conflict she was grappling with. "Both happy and lost," she confessed. "I'm afraid, but I did it for him," she added.

"I know," Cuneyt responded, his tone empathetic, though his eyes flickered with an unreadable emotion.

Eda asked, "Where did you bury him?"

Cuneyt paused, considering his response carefully. "I will keep it a secret," he decided.

Unsatisfied, Eda pressed, "I want to know..."

"You should think about your relationship with Serkan now," he suggested.

"Why did you say so?" Eda's concern was evident; Cuneyt's words had stirred a sense of foreboding within her.

Cuneyt leaned slightly closer. "Eda, what if he understands what you did?"

"He won't be happy," she acknowledged quietly, the bitter truth of her actions settling in.

"Do you think he can love you enough to be with you despite knowing what you did?"

A tear escaped Eda's eye as she contemplated his words. She quickly brushed it away, her resolve hardening as she faced the uncertainty ahead. "Right now, the most important thing is that he is alive," she stated firmly. "I will go."


As Eda stepped back into the quiet hospital room, her heart lodged firmly in her throat; she was met with a sight that instantly dispelled the cloud of worry and uncertainty that had enveloped her. Serkan was awake, his eyes scanning the room until they settled on her, brightening with a mixture of relief and a certain playful mischievousness characteristic of him.

For a moment, Eda could only stand there, drinking in the sight of him awake and aware. Then, Serkan's voice, slightly hoarse but unmistakably laced with his unique humour, broke the silence. "I thought you left and didn't want to look after a sick man," he said, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips, even as a shadow of sadness flickered in his eyes.

The tension and worry that had been Eda's constant companions melted away, replaced by a warmth that radiated from her very core. She couldn't help but laugh, a sound of pure joy and relief, as she moved closer to him. "As if I could ever leave you," she retorted. "Besides, who else would tolerate your terrible patient behaviour?"

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